LGBT Youth North West drugs survey The total number of participants involved in the research was Age. Average age is (all ages divided by number of respondents) Median is 23.5 (Middle value of all ages). Mode (most common value) could be 18 or 20, as both appear with same frequency. Therefore, average of these two gives mode of 19. NB. x axis shows age in years, y axis frequency of occurrence of given age.
1.2 Total number of respondents 128 respondents. 49 Male, 75 female, 4 did not answer.
1.8 Sexuality of respondents
1.11 Occupation Number of responden ts
2.1 Patterns of drug use.
2.2 How old when 1st started? (Average age for each drug)
2.3 Frequency of drug use (Stimulants: Being Cocaine, Amphetamine and ecstasy)
2.4 Frequency of drug use
2.8 Units of alcohol per week
2.11 When do you usually drink?
3.6 Top 5 reasons for use: alcohol
4.1Have you heard of these services/ have you used them/ would you use them?
What has prevented you from accessing these services?
Best way to receive information/advice