Introductions Leanne Monger Business Manager – Housing, NSDC Phil Oldfield Housing Options Team Leader, MDC
District/Borough Statutory Responsibilities Governed by Part 7 of the 1996 Housing Act as amended by the 2002 Homelessness Act Many single homeless individuals will fall outside of this duty Councils have a responsibility to provide advice and assistance to all households and individuals in housing need within our communities
Homelessness Statistics During 2012/13, Nottinghamshire: made 1,016 homelessness decisions accepted 500 households as homeless 98 accepted households were homeless as a result of the breakdown of a violent relationships involving their partner (40 in a non-violent relationship) 80% of accepted homeless households were lone parent families On average, each quarter saw 107 households awaiting permanent accommodation; 65 of these households had dependent or expected children On average 155 children or expected children were living in temporary accommodation at any one time The length of stay for families in temporary accommodation varied from between 5 to 13 weeks
Reasons for single homelessness Families unwilling to accommodate Substance abuse Relationship breakdown Tenancy breakdown - Repossession Discharge from prison / hospital
Health issues – statutory homeless households Precarious housing circumstances and homelessness have a negative impact on physical health, mental health and wellbeing for all affected households. Homelessness can affect different household members in many different ways. Adverse impact of disruption, trauma, homelessness during childhood and adolescence in later life.
Local Action – example of practice Joint Homeless Strategy Homeless Prevention actions Hospital Discharge Private-rented access schemes (M.A.R.S. [ with NSDC ] + S.O.L.A.R.) Welfare, wellbeing and health needs
Overview - Housing Chapter of the JSNA and the Housing Commissioning Group Delivery Plan Poor housing conditions home security. Insufficient suitable housing Homelessness and housing support Children and young people.