STRATEGIC PLANNING or If You Don’t Know Where You’re Going You’re Bound to End Up Someplace Else
DUTIES OF A BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Duty of Care ▪ Perform responsibilities in good faith ▪ Adopt policies for effective oversight ▪ Attend board meetings ▪ Act in an independent manner ▪ Exercise independent judgment ▪ Accordance with exempt purpose
DUTIES OF A BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Duty of Loyalty ▪ Act in the best interest of the program ▪ Benefit the program (not the directors) ▪ Refrain from conflict of interest ▪ Have and follow a conflict of interest policy
DUTY OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Duty of Obedience ▪ Faithful to the mission ▪ Honor public trust ▪ Behave and act in a manner consistent with goals
Strategic Planning for Board of Directors ▪ Key Roles of a Board ▪ Sets organizational direction ▪ Provides oversight ▪ Ensures necessary resources ▪ Prepares a plan to secure financial base ▪ Develops goals ▪ Assesses needs to meet goals
IN PLACE FIRST………………………..
CORE VALUES those things important to the organization glue what we stand for
VISION ▪ Compatible with the Core Values ▪ Inspirational ▪ Tells us where we want to go ▪ Framework for strategic planning
MISSION ▪ Reason for existence ▪ Tells who we serve and how we serve the who ▪ Essence of the organization ▪ Written by the stakeholders in their own language
What’s Wrong with this : ▪ Core Values- good things, nice things, kind things ▪ Vision- to do good things ▪ Mission- help kids who don’t have good things ▪ LRP- to do even more good things ▪ SP- get money and help
Strategic Planning ▪ Alice: Which way should I go? ▪ Cheshire Cat: That depends on where you are going. ▪ Alice: I don’t know where I’m going. ▪ Cheshire Cat: Then it doesn’t matter which way you go. Lewis Carroll 1892 ▪ Through the Looking Glass
What is it…..a Strategic Plan ▪ Written form of a process that sets out the agreement relative to a desired outcome. ▪ It is (for CASA organizations) issues-based. ▪ It helps the organization respond appropriately to a dynamic (not static) organizational environment within the framework of its own resources.
Why…………do organizations have SP ▪ A Strategic Plan allows an organization to initiate activities and initiate influence. ▪ It allows the organization to be proactive rather than reactive. ▪ It allows the organization to be in charge of its own destiny.
What it Ain’t…… ▪ Not forecasting ▪ Not a simple application of quantitative techniques ▪ Not just good intentions ▪ Not a way to eliminate risk ▪ Not a one person job ▪ Not written in stone but cast in sculptured sand
Elements of a SP ▪ Measureable goals ▪ Prioritized objectives ▪ Plan of action with Timeframes
Your SP needs to….. ▪ Articulate your organization’s GOALS ▪ Set forth the necessary actions (Plan of Action) that are practical and sustainable ▪ Reflect a method of assessment
AUDIT AND ANALYSIS Audit First…. Use the S W O T exercise Analyze Last…. Are we on Target. Do we adapt to change. Quarterly or Semi Annual Written Reports Quarterly Meetings with Scorecard Discussion
Long Range Plan versus Strategic Planning ▪ Long Range: Looks well into the future (10+); assumes present knowledge over future needs and conditions; builds for the future. ▪ Strategic: Structured to shorter term (1-5); assumes ability to respond to changing environment; creative process; can be transformed into an operating plan.
STRATEGIC INITIATIVE I: Financial Support and Development ▪ GOAL: to develop and increase a broad band of financial support through individual and community- based groups, private grant and foundation resources, endowments, federal and state grants leading to financial independence and maintenance of financial stability of Blue Sky and Green Valley.
SI Financial Goal: Objectives ▪ Determine the cost per child per day for services provided ▪ Research, select and retain independent audit firm ▪ Develop financial plan to eliminate reliance on state or federal funding ▪ Develop financial plan to reduce reliance on state or federal funding
SI Financial Goal continued ▪ Establish an investment account and manager ▪ Establish a funds development committee ▪ Increase grant money by 25% each year ▪ Develop and implement an annual donor “ask” letter ▪ Design and execute an annual “signature” event ▪ Hire a part time business manager
SI Financial Goal continued Plan of Action ▪ Pick one of the 3 Objectives below: ▪ Research, select and retain an audit firm ▪ Establish a funds development committee ▪ Develop and implement an annual ask letter ▪ Write a Plan of Action (the detailed steps) that will accomplish the Objective
Sharing of Plans of Action: Group Exercise ▪ Clearly Stated ▪ Make Sense ▪ Time Frame Achievable ▪ Do-able (Resources available)
The End