“on your feet…” Chapter#8: Review Activity
Instructions One at a time, true-false statements will be read and shown on the screen. If you believe that the statement is true, please stand where you are. If you believe that the statement is false, please remain seated where you are. Then we’ll discuss!
Statement #1 DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) is a complex molecule found in all living organisms. True
Statement #2 The DNA code is made up of five unique letters (nucleotides). False (4)
Statement #3 In the DNA language, Adenine will always pair with Guanine and Cytosine will always pair with Thymine. False (A/T and G/C) ADENINE THYMINE GUANINE CYTOSINE
Statement #4 DNA is found in every cell of every living organism. True
Statement #5 DNA is made of two strands (helixes or helices) that twist around rungs of bases. True
Statement #6 These two strands are written correctly as complementary DNA. DNA Strand #1: A T T C G C T C A G T A DNA Strand #2: T T A T C G C G T A A T
Statement #6 (FALSE) DNA Strand #1: A T T C G C T C A G T A DNA Strand #2: T A A G C G A G T C A T
Statement #7 DNA replication happens in all cells (sex and somatic). True
Statement #8 Meiosis happens in all cells (sex and somatic) False (only in sex cells)
Statement #9 This cartoon is correctly labeled. Nucleus DNA Protein Chromosome
Statement #9 False Nucleus Chromosome Gene DNA
Statement #10 This diagram shows represents the process of mitosis. True 46 Chromosomes 46 Chromosomes 46 Chromosomes 92 Chromosomes (Duplicate) (Divide) Start End Parent Cell Daughter Cell
Statement #11 In mitosis of normal human (somatic) cells, the chromosome number has been reduced from 92 to 46 in step B. False (E) AB C DE
Statement #12 In DNA replication, the enzyme DNA polymerase has the job of adding new single letter (nucleotides) to the growing strand of new DNA. True
Statement #13 DNA replication takes one two-stranded DNA molecule and turns it into two one-stranded DNA molecules. False A B C D A B
Statement #14 The nucleotide sequences of A and B are exactly the same. A B C D A B
Statement #14 False: they are complementary. The nucleotide sequences of A and B are exactly the same. A B C D A B
Statement #15 The nucleotide sequences of A and C are exactly the same. A B A B C D
A B C D A B Statement #15 True! The nucleotide sequences of A and C are exactly the same.
Reflection Think back through the “On Your Feet” activity. Identify facts or understandings that were clarified (made more clear and correct) through these exercises. What part, if any, of these exercises helped to clear up your understanding the most?