a presentation for Professor Turnbull’s Information Architecture class by Rhonda Hankins February 13, 2003
“... structured descriptions, stored as computer data, that attempt to describe the essential properties of other discrete computer data objects.” Tony Gill, Metadata and the World Wide Web
Content Context Structure Appearance
Metadata can enhance the probability that a pertinent resource will be retrieved.
from Internet Tips and Secrets web site <
What is worth cataloging? Who will provide the descriptions? At what level of granularity should descriptions be standardized? How can the needs of different user communities be met? How can the needs of different user communities be met? How can we mitigate against “disappearing” resources?
The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative · Title · Author · Subject · Description · Publisher · Other Contributor · Date · Resource Type · Format · Resource Identifier · Source · Language · Relation · Coverage · Rights
An extensive guide to links associated with meta data and metatags available at Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science Tony Gill, “Metadata and the World Wide Web,” Introduction to Metadata, Pathways to Digital Information available at Works by Anne Gilliland-Swetland Works by Francis Miksa Arlene G. Taylor, The Organization of Information. (Englewood: CO, Libraries Unlimited Inc.), 1999.