Whirligig by Paul Fleischman
careened Verb To lean or sway to one side
reconnoitered Verb ree-kuh-noi-ter to inspect, observe, or survey (as in trying to gain information from an enemy)
caustic Adjective Severely sarcastic or critical; also, capable of burning or corroding
famine Noun An extreme scarcity of food; starvation
shaman Noun A person who acts as intermediary between the real world and the supernatural
labyrinth Noun An intricate combination of paths or passages; a maze
perennial Adjective Lasting a long time, such as perennial beauty a plant having a life cycle of more than 2 years
scoffing Verb Mocking; making fun of
obituary Noun A notice of the death of a person, usually a biographical sketch
ethereal Adjective Light, airy, or heavenly
eulogy Noun A speech or praise of a person, often in honor of a deceased person
penance Noun A punishment, often imposed by a church
dubious Adjective Doubtful or questionable
hostels Noun Inexpensive lodging for youths, for example, traveling by bike; an inn
soliloquy Noun the act of talking while or as if alone Hamlet’s famous soliloquy begins: “To be or not to be”
skeins Noun A length of yarn or thread wound around a reel It could also be a skein of hair, a skein of geese, or a skein of words
raucously Adverb Harshly; disorderly
kinetic Adjective Pertaining to motion, such as running or dancing
contradance Noun A courtly version of the English country dance
(Not on the test) Lingerie Beret Shearwater