Develop Relationship Comprehensive Crisis Operations Management Centre (CCOMC) Non-traditional view of possible crisis situations Support NATO´s information campaign on NATO´s contribution to Comprehensive Approach and NATO´s eagerness to cooperate with other actors. Support NATO and International Organisations to help cooperation on Crisis Management. Provide neutral site for meetings with international Orgainisations and non-Government Organisations Information Exchange Hub of technology – repository for lessons learned
Support training on NATO Crisis Response Manual for nations in support of exercises: CMX13 Provide Civilian specialists for participation in NATO missions and exercises. JWC, CMX Support other actors in understanding NATO´s contribution to Comprehensive Approach Training, experimentation and exercises.
Support Joint Analysis & Lessons Learned Centre (JALLC) Provision of Subject Matter Experts Training Provision of analysts Provide a repository of Lessons Learned Support analyst work on proposals from nations from various committees: Examine CEP, COMPASS and Future Specialist processes and databases Support the development of policies, concepts and doctrines to aid NATO´s integration with civilian experts and civilian capabilities. CRM’s recommendations Analysis of type of disasters and crisis’ Future Analyze the benefits of Crisis Mapping to NATO Examine emerging issues from civilian perspective e.g. Climate Change