A Centre of Excellence for Ageing
The Great Lakes Where are we? Located on NSW mid-north coast – 320 km from Sydney and 170km from Newcastle What does our LGA look like? 3,375 km 2 36,312 residents Population density – 0.10 people/hectare Small towns, farms, national parks, forestry
Our demographics Age Group (years)
Our aged population Age Group (years)
Council’s response The high percentage of older people in our LGA has both negatives and positives We need to plan strategically for an ageing population Focus on the positive “Centre of Excellence for Ageing” – December 2012
First steps Partner with COTA in pilot for application to WHO for membership of the Global Network for Age Friendly Cities and Communities Find out what older people think will make Great Lakes more age-friendly Develop a whole-of-Council Ageing Strategy
How we did it 1. Used the WHO AFCC framework and processes 2. Focus groups in Bulahdelah, Stroud, Tea Gardens, Forster Older people, service providers, businesses, staff 3. Survey Respondents aged 50+
Key issues from Focus Groups
Survey: age-friendliness rating
Challenges Two of the top three issues are not Council’s responsibility How to include this in the Strategy
Where are we up to? Active Ageing Strategy adopted by Council Shift the way society thinks about ageing: Medical model Social model illness incapacity care inclusion participation contribution
Where are we up to? continued Application made to WHO for membership to Global Network of Age-friendly Cities & Communities Advertising for EOI for Community Reference Group Photo: courtesy Great Lakes Advocate
What’s next? Continue with establishment of Community Reference Group Seek funding to implement actions Current funding applications with DSS – Healthy Ageing, LGNSW – Creative Ageing, Seniors Week Continuing education – change of culture Other Council sections Community