OS research in France Gilles Muller
OS research in France ? Is there a future? Gilles Cassandra Muller
Page 3 The French SIGOPS chapter u Between ( ) members (since 1997) u ~ 4 events in a year u Award for the best PhD in systems u Student travel support for OSDI/SOSP u EW04 –3.5 French papers –1.5 accepted for presentation
Page 4 The sad side u Last paper from a French group in SOSP/OSDI –1987 (Chorus)/2000 (Devil) u Many people no longer submit to system conferences –Why work for 6 months on a paper? –Easier strategies…
Page 5 OS research anymore? u Where do people publish? –middleware, software engineering, real-time systems, embedded systems, programming languages, parallelism u We are competing for positions with other domains –EW is labeled as a Workshop –Still EW is of a higher quality than many workshops and conferences u Many of our colleagues do not care for OSes –Do we still need to teach OS?
Page 6 An European Conference in Systems u Provide more exposure to OS in Europe u Ease student travel/lower costs u Performance is not the only metric in Computer Science u A possible model ? –ECOOP vs OOPSLA
Page 7 Time for rotten eggs and tomatoes u 4th French Conference on OSes Le Croisic, Presqu'île de Guérande, 6-8 April u Together with: - RenPar'16 (Rencontres Francophones du Parallélisme) - SympAAA'2005 (SYMPosium en Architectures nouvelles de machines) - Journées Composants u