The Practicum
Discovering jobs College music society Agencies 1) keep and maintain file 2) references (confidential?? Now??) 3) where to find out about jobs (Web)
Publishing Music Papers Conferences Prizes
New Directions in Music See addresses for recording companies, publishers, etc. at the end of the book.
Programs Performance programs 1) keep them 2) develop them logically 3) encourage diversity of orch and type 4) keep collections of programs for distribution
Societies Types 1) professional (AMS, etc. offices held? 2) personal (Computer Music Society, etc.) 3) community
Instrument Maintain performance on your instrument(s) Keep your theory skills up Keep side skills alive (tuning, instrument repair, etc.)
Copyright The pros and cons
Performing Rights Societies ASCAP BMI Others Advantages and Disadvantages
Your Vita Why do it now? What it should contain a) name and address (how to reach you) b) education (knowledge you possess) c) experience (how you've put it to use) d) references (get them now) e) ambitions (how you are what they want) f) publications (professional reputation) g) relevant information (good colleague?, etc.)
Performances Getting them Recording them Promoting them
Positions Record librarian
Recording engineer
Recording technician
Recording producer
Church organist
Piano tuner
Film (TV) composer
Planetarium compsoer
College teacher
Private teacher
Secondary teacher
Electronic lab techie
Musical instrument repair
Radio announcer
Lounge lizard
Instrument builder
Music book editor
Musical software designer
Author (texts, etc.)
Music administrator
Page turner
Hardware designer
Commercials composer
Music therapist
Instrument repair
Church (temple) composer
Music facilities manager
Orchestra manager
Music executive
Music reviewer
Radio station programmer
Choral director
Music festival coordinator
Music salesperson