Sub-regions Project
Project Instructions Each Student will be assigned a sub-region of the United States of America Each Student will find the following information on their region: Total Population Total Area Population Density Average Per Capita Income Average Cost of Living Major Industries Average Life Expectancy Average Infant Mortality Rate Average Percent of High School Graduates Average Attendance of College Major Natural Resources Four Unique Facts
Sub Regions of the United States of America North East Maine Rhode Island New Hampshire Connecticut Vermont New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Massachusetts Midwest Ohio Indiana Illinois Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Nebraska Michigan North Dakota South Dakota Kansas Missouri South Maryland Virginia Delaware West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Oklahoma Arkansas West New Mexico Colorado Wyoming Montana Arizona Utah Idaho California Nevada Washington Oregon Alaska Hawaii
StateAreaPopP.C.I.IndustryLife Ex.I.M.R.High School CollegeNatural Resc Maine New York Penn. Conn. N. Hamp. Vermont R.I. Four Unique Facts: Total Area: Total Pop: Pop Dens: Avg. P.C.I.: Avg High School: Avg College: Avg Life Ex: Avg I.M.R.: Natural Resources: Industries: Average climate of the region (Summer/Winter):
Questions: 1.Which Sub Region has the best education system? 2.Which Sub Region has the best economy? 3.Which Sub Region is the most economical? 4.Which Sub Region has the best health care? 5.In which sub region would you most like to live? Why? Once you have all of the information for your subregion you will copy the information about the other subregions from your classmates. You don’t need to copy ALL of the information, only the final results. That includes the “Unique Facts”. Once you have all of your information you’ll need to answer the following five questions.