Age related effects of restricted head movements on the useful field of view of drivers 學生:董瑩蟬
Purpose The paper in order to examine the relation between different age group, head movement, and useful field of view (UFOV).
Reference Garber and Srinivasan (1991) found that the older has higher intersection accident than younger. The visual deficits may affect driving performance. (Klein,1991 ; Wood and Troutbeck,1992) Owsly et al.(1991) found that the size of UFOV correlated well with accident frequency.
Reference Some research found that increase of load, stress, noise, and aging may decrease peripheral eye field.(Williams,1982;…) Bahill et al.(1975) found naturally eye movements only 15° or less. Carter et al.(1983) showed that older people have more latencies of eye movement.
Method 1.Subject –80 drivers, each group has 10F 、 10M –Young-Under 30(M=23.4) 、 –Middle-40~59(M=49.9) 、 –Older-60~69(M=65.3) 、 –Oldest-over 70(M=76.1) 2.Apparatus –Keystone VS-II, model 1135A –Standard perimeter –Coloured target disks –Hand turning measurement device
Method 3. Independent variables (IVs) –Age 4.Dependent variables (DVs) –Questionnaire –Maximum head movements –Horizontal peripheral vision
Method 5.Procedure Signed the consent Completed the questionnaire Vision tests Measure their maximal degree of head movement
T-test did not different between the left and right. The max head movement decline with the older ages group. Female movement more than male. Age and trial has main effects. Gender has no main effect. Scheffe’s post hoc tests young A middle B older BC oldest C
Results A significant pearson’s product-moment correlation between these two variables r=0.34, p<0.05
Results LD=lateral distance,α=max achieved head movement angle
Discussion It found young male drivers have the highest number of accidents, which match Guerin,1994 and Page et al.,1992 research. Klein(1991) and Shinar and Schieber(1991) found that the age more than 60 years were many vision function deficits. Kosnik et al.(1990) suggest that older drivers recognise loss of vision and decide to give up driving.
Discussion Barr (1991), Garber and Srinivasan (1991) reported that the older ability may declining especially at intersection. Shinar and Schieber found the vision field deterioration with older people, and the accident rate were more than twice. Allan et al. (1974) found that the head movement restricted drivers made more driving errors.
Discussion Sanders (1993) found that saccades provide quicker shifts than head movements and frequent. Rahini et al. found eyes movement are more effective in scanning intersection than head movement. Some studies showed that the older drivers have higher intersection accidents.(Bernhort,1990; Faulkner,1975)
Conclusions There is a significant age-related decrement in max head movement and visual function. The stereovision revealed an age-related pattern of increasing deficit. A statistically significant age effect was obtained for horizontal peripheral vision. Data show age-related impairment of neck articulation and peripheral vision.