Absolute Rule Imperial Russia & Modern Day Oppression
Saddam Hussein’s Iraq Saddam joined the Ba'ath Party and began his rise to power. He started off as a "hit man" eliminating anyone who got in the way of the Ba'ath parties success and his own undermine anyone who was plotting against the government or himself Anyone who was perceived as a threat was dealt with swiftly and harshly by Saddam's security services
Iraq Continued People could not oppose Hussein or the government Widespread fear amongst the population If caught, could mean arrest and certain torture or death
Iraq Majority = Shiite Minority = Sunni Hussein treated Sunni population well, but they only comprised 12-15% of pop Feared takeover by shiites faced military attacks, extrajudicial detentions and killings, torture, embargos designed to prevent the delivery of food and other humanitarian supplies, and restrictions on religious rights.
Hussein’s Chemical War Horrific gas attacks were first used by Hussein in war against Iran Post-War: Feared uprisings or attempted coup by Kurds living in North - began attacking ‘own’ people Mass graves have been found since fall of Hussein
The Taliban of Afghanistan On September 27, 1996, the Taliban, a violent military force took over the control of Kabul the capital of Afghanistan All women and girls had their basic human rights taken away.
Taliban Law All women must wear a Burqa
Taliban Law No school or university allow female students. That there be no female teachers. All windows in a women's house be painted black. All women must be accompanied by a close male relative when outside of their home. All women were forced from their jobs.
Taliban Law Woman cannot see a male doctor, and women cannot be operated upon by a surgical team containing a male member. And there are very few female doctors in Afghanistan. Women cannot wear bright coloured clothing and cannot wear makeup. Their heels cannot click against the ground. They can't even speak in public.
Taliban Law Politics dominated by Taliban loyalists - no orderly form of local government or politics adverse to debate on doctrine with other Muslims. "The Taliban did not allow even Muslim reporters to question [their] edicts or to discuss interpretations of the Qur'an
The Taliban Isolated nation from outside world and its influences
Taliban Law Sharia law was interpreted to ban a wide variety of activities: employment and education for women, movies, television, videos, music, dancing, hanging pictures in homes, clapping during sports events.
Yet More Taliban Law Movie theaters were closed and music banned Museums were ransacked and banned
Taliban - Punishments Theft was punished by the amputation of a hand, rape and murder by public execution. Married adulterers were stoned to death. In Kabul, punishments were carried out in front of crowds in the city's former soccer stadium
Failing Economy Twenty years of continuous warfare devastated Afghanistan's infrastructure and economy. There was no running water, little electricity, few telephones, decent roads or regular energy supplies. Basic necessities like water, food and housing and others were in desperately short supply.
Imperial Russia & Autocracy What is an ‘Autocracy’ ???
Serfdom So…what is it? Enforced labor of serfs on the fields of landowners, in return for protection and the right to work on their leased fields