Podcasting and Education Lorrie Mennenga & Sheila Unwin Co-hosts of The Dragon Page With Class
Podcasting? What is podcasting? Why should I use it in the classroom? Does this work with the curriculum or the standards? How will it benefit my students? How does it benefit the teachers? What are the financial benefits?
General Repeating lessons Absent students Engaging students Study skills Kid generated Teacher generated
Language Arts Daily lesson plans Drama Round robin stories Newsletter Journaling Student book reviews
Math Formulas Five minute answers Weekly brain teasers Practice problems
Science Planets Periodic table Plants and animals Weather
Social Studies History facts Geography facts Where in the World m/where/
Special Needs Spelling practice Vocabulary Reading Learning centers
Close If you can dream it, you can podcast it!
Resources for the Classroom Where in the World Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd Podiobooks.com Coulee Kids ndex.htm
Resources for Teachers Adventures in Podcasting es%20In%20PodCasting.aspx Podcasting for Teachers KidCast Intelligenic Dragon Page With Class 21 st Century Educator