When: Thursday December 10 th, 2015 Where: Media See Coach Jones (Counseling) for further information. Visit SHS Track and Field page & to for updates/ further information.. ~
Devin Jones (Director of Operations/Head Boys) Nigel Carter (Head Girls Coach / Sprints) Casey Ramel (Asst. Coach/ Distance) Regina Tate-Leslie (Asst. Coach / Sprints, Jumps) Kenton Johnson (Asst. Coach / Throws) Additional Coaches may be added…
Registration is currently OPEN. Visit the SHS ATHLETICS - Track & Field Page Complete the Interest Form (Located at Bottom)
True Freshmen Pass 5 of 8 classes (2.5 Credits) (Fall 2015) True Sophomore 5.0 Credits 5.0 Credits +Pass 5 of 8 classes (2.5 Credits) (Fall 2015) True Junior 11.0 Credits 11.0 Credits +Pass 5 of 8 classes (2.5 Credits) (Fall 2015) True Senior 17.0 Credits 17.0 Credits +Pass 5 of 8 classes (2.5 Credits) (Fall 2015) ~NO EXCEPTIONS~ 2.5 Credits = 5 of 8 Classes (Fall 2015) All Student-Athletes Must have a Physical on File to Participate.
Conditioning Schedule Mon, Tues &Thursday Have been conditioning since October. Will possibly have a Christmas Break Schedule to ensure that we do not lose training over the break. If no practice is conducted workouts will be listed on the website. Practice Schedule (Mon-Fri) First Official Day of Practice January 19 th, Monday (3:30-6:00) 2:20-3:20 Study Hall/Tutoring Tuesday (2:45pm-5:30pm) Wednesday (3:30-6:00) 2:20-3:20 Study Hall/Tutoring Thursday (2:45pm-5:30pm) Friday (2:45pm-5:30pm) Saturday (TBD)
Will be posted on the website. Tentative Schedule See Handout Out of Town Meets (Tentative) Bob Hayes (Jacksonville, FL) Taco Bell (During Spring Break) Only competing members will travel. Fundraiser to offset cost. Possible Indoor Competitions (Birmingham, AL) 12/19, 1/2, 1/29-30
Parents are responsible for transportations and entry fees. Birmingham Crossplex (Birmingham, AL) Great Experience for those seriously wanting to continue on to the collegiate level. Most athletes who they will be competing against have competed 4-5 times by the time the first Outdoor meet comes.
1st official day is January 19th. Practice is mandatory Failure to Prepare = Prepare to FAIL. If you can't make practice, you must see a coach prior to practice. DO NOT relay the message through a friend. Practice begins at 2:45 sharp DO NOT BE LATE!!! Excessive tardiness/absenses will not be tolerated.
All information shared in meeting and updates will be posted on the SHS Track and Field website and Remind 101.
Currently working on a plan. There will be another meeting in January to discuss fundraising and dues. Start putting money aside now or start raising money to pay for your dues in January.