By Asma Alkhamis
A citation style is used to give the reader immediate information about sources cited in the text. This guide provides an overview of IEEE citation style which is used mainly in Electrical and Computer Engineering
The IEEE Style is a number style with two key components: In-text citations, which appear within the text (a citation number in a square bracket), and A reference list at the end of the text (which provides full details of all references cited in-text). The citations in the reference list are numbered and appear in the same order that they appear in the text.
The IEEE citation style has 3 main features: 1. The author name is first name (or initial) and last. 2. The title of an article (or chapter, conference paper, patent, etc.) is in quotation marks. 3. The title of the book or journal is in italics.
A numbered list of references must be provided at the end of the paper. The list should be arranged in the order of citation in the text of the assignment or essay, not in alphabetical order. List only one reference per reference number.
systems-magazine/cite-a-website systems-magazine/cite-a-website
What is an annotated bibliography? An annotated bibliography gives an account of the research that has been done on a given topic. An annotated bibliography provides a concise summary of each source and some assessment of its value or relevance. Like any bibliography, an annotated bibliography is an alphabetical list of research sources. In addition to bibliographic data,
An annotation briefly restates the main argument of a source. An annotation typically identifies: its thesis (or research question, or hypothesis), its major methods of investigation, and its main conclusions.
Annotated bibliographies do come in many variations: Summarize only and not to evaluate. Notice and comment on patterns of similarity and dissimilarity between sources If the bibliography is long, consider organizing it in sections. Your categories of organization should help clarify your research question. Some bibliography may require or allow you to preface the bibliography (or its sections) with a paragraph explaining the scope of your investigation and providing a rationale for your selection of sources.
of-writing/annotated-bibliography of-writing/annotated-bibliography