1/(27) GATE Ontology Tools GATE Training Course October 2006 Kalina Bontcheva
2/(27) Ontology Plugins (gate 3.1)
3/(27) OWLIM support (v. 4.0) Loading and viewing ontologies is the same from the GATE GUI Storage and reasoning performed by OWLIM Access is via a web service
4/(27) Create New Ontology LR Example uses Jena as a backend Loads an ontology over the Web, in this case Proton ( Supports OWL (Lite, DL, Full) & RDF – as this is what Jena supports
5/(27) Loading extra data
6/(27) View classes
7/(27) View instances
8/(27) Forthcoming ontology editor features Deleting classes, properties and instances Adding classes, properties and instances Modifying above We need these features so that we can correct the results of ontology learning and ontology population algorithms from within GATE
9/(27) Ontology API FeatureMap features = Factory.newFeatureMap(); features.put("ontologyURL", ontologyURL); JenaOntologyImpl ontology = (JenaOntologyImpl) Factory.createResource("gate.creole.ontology.jena.Jena OntologyImpl",features); Interface gate.creole.ontology.Ontology add/get/delete concepts/instances/properties
10/(27) Ontology API (2) // adding a new class Person – class name and comment OClass person = ontology.createClass("Person","All humans"); // adding a new class Man OClass man = ontology.createClass("Man", "Male Person"); // adding a new class Liquid OClass liquid = ontology.createClass("Liquid","anything that is in liquid form"); // John is a person OInstance john = ontology.addInstance("John", person); // water is liquid OInstance water = ontology.addInstance("Water", liquid); // Man is a subclassof Person person.addSubClass(man); // Man drinks liquid ontology.addObjectProperty("drinks","man drinks liquid", man, liquid); // john drinks liquid john.addPropertyValue("drinks", water);
11/(27) Onto gazetteer
12/(27) Onto Gazetteer (2)
13/(27) JAPE and Ontologies
14/(27) Results Results of sample rule without ontology as a parameter Results of sample rule with ontology as a parameter
15/(27) Sample use Knowledge Management and business intelligent –gate.ac.uk/projects/sekt/gate.ac.uk/projects/sekt/ Media analysis –gate.ac.uk/projects/media-campaign/gate.ac.uk/projects/media-campaign/ Multi-media semantic annotation –gate.ac.uk/projects/prestospace/gate.ac.uk/projects/prestospace/ Software Engineering –gate.ac.uk/projects/tao/gate.ac.uk/projects/tao/ Also used in an increasing number of commercial products, esp. for business intelligence