Name of Energy Drink Name of Ingredient & Caffeine Prd Date
Name of Energy Drink: Marketing techniques, claims, and target audience.
Name of Energy Drink: Possible Side Effects for Teenage Users
pH level you found and possible health issues (especially dental health) pH of your energy drink Comparison of energy drink’s pH to other common household products/foods. (make a list of other products and their pHs)
Name of Ingredient you researched: Side Effects for Teenage Users
Caffeine: Side Effects for Teenage Users
Pros and Cons of Energy Drinks
Conclusion include the following aspects in your final conclusion: Were any of the ingredients found to have potentially adverse side effects? How is an energy drink different from a sports drink? According to your pH data, is your energy drink acidic, neutral, or basic? How does it compare with other common products/foods? After analyzing several different advertisements for your chosen energy drink, who did you find to be the target audience?