Growing Up Fit Together for 2 nd grade
MyPyramid What do you see on the pyramid? Each colored band represents a food group. The girl on the stairs represents the importance of exercise.
Food Groups Foods in this group include: cereal, bread, pasta, and crackers. This group has the biggest band because we need to eat more out of this group To move like grains, we will wave our arms in the air. Orange ----> Grains Group
Food Groups Foods in this group include: potatoes, carrots, lettuce, and cucumbers. Can you name more vegetables? To sound like we are munching on a crunchy vegetable, we will clap our hands together. Green ----> Vegetables Group
Food Groups Foods in this group include: apples, grapes, watermelon, and pineapples. Can you name more fruits? Fruits have important vitamins in them that can help heal your body if you are sick. To sound like we are eating our fruits, we will smack our lips together. Red ----> Fruit Group
Food Groups Foods in this group include: soft drinks, candy bars, and chips. You should only have one item from this group per day. That is why the band is so small. The foods in this group do not help keep your body healthy. To say “NO” to the foods in this group, we push our hands out in front of us to say stop. Yellow ----> Oils Group (junk food)
Food Groups Foods in this group include: milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream. Can you name more milk foods? Milk helps to give you strong bones and teeth. To sound like we are drinking our milk, we will act like we are drinking out of a glass while making a gulping sound. Blue ----> Milk Group
Food Groups Foods in this group include: eggs, seafood, meat, beans, peanuts, and peanut butter. Can you name more meat and beans foods? These foods are good for your muscles. To show how the foods in this group help our muscles, we will curl our arms to show our muscles. Purple ----> Meat & Beans Group
Now Let’s Play a Game I will read a description to you and you tell me which food group you think I am referring to. Is everyone ready?
Which Food Group Am I ? Did you know that there are over 600 muscles in your body? Foods in this group help us to build our muscles. Muscles hold our bones together and make them move. Some of the foods in this group are nuts, beans, and even eggs. Which food group am I ? That’s right!! I’m the purple group which is called the meat and beans group.
Which Food Group Am I ? This group does not build muscles, help your bones grow or protect your body against illness. There are a lot of foods that we like in this group. It is OK to have these foods once in a while, but not all of the time. Which food group am I ? That’s right!! I’m the yellow group which is called the oils or “Junk food” group.
Which Food Group Am I ? The foods in this group can be sour or sweet. They also help your body heal against illnesses. Some of the foods in this group can make juices. One of the juices some people drink with breakfast. Which food group am I ? That’s right!! I’m the red group which is called the fruit group.
Which Food Group Am I ? This group gives you the energy you need to “get up and go”. A lot of foods in this group are breakfast foods. Which food group am I ? That’s right!! I’m the orange group which is called the grains group.
Which Food Group Am I ? This group helps to give us strong bones and teeth. It gives us an important mineral called calcium. Which food group am I ? That’s right!! I’m the blue group which is called the milk group.
Which Food Group Am I ? The foods in this group can be eaten raw or cooked. They keep your eyes and skin healthy. They also give us lots of vitamins and minerals our bodies need. Which food group am I ? That’s right!! I’m the green group which is called the vegetable group.
Growing Up Fit Together You have all been growing. As your body grows, so do your bones and muscles. In the remaining lessons, we will learn about other way we can take care of our bodies.
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