Signals and Systems Filter Design
Part III Design
Filter Design Techniques
Discrete-time filters
Discrete-time IIR filter
Specifications for DT filters
Specifications for DT filters in Log domain
A Design Example
Discrete-time IIR filter design is done using analog filter techniques: 1.Analog IIR filter design methods have simple closed form solutions; 2.Design examples have existed for years. 3.Direct design of IIR filters has traditionally been avoided 4.Direct design of FIR filters is possible. Discrete-time IIR filter
Discrete-time IIR filter Design Flow
Discrete-time IIR filter Design 1. Poles on the jΩ axis in the s-plane correspond to poles on the unit circle in the z-plane. 2. Poles in the left half of the s-plane correspond to poles inside the unit circle in the z-plane. Hence stable and causal continuous-time filters will produce stable and causal discrete-time filters.
Traditional Analog Filter Design
Butterworth Design
Chebyshev filters
Elliptic filters
Filter Design Techniques Impulse Invariance Bilinear Transformation
The design technique is as follows: (1) Perform a partial fractions expansion on H(s). (2) Transform each pole into its - transform equivalent. (3) Combine the terms into a single polynomial.
Impulse Invariance
Butterworth Design To get a stable and causal filter, choose H c (s) to implement the poles in the left-hand plane.
Butterworth Filter
Butterworth Filter-Impulse Invariance
Example: Impulse Invariance Take T = 1, value of T will not change the discrete-time filter results.)
Bilinear Transformation
Bilinear Transform To avoid aliasing, we need a one-to-one mapping from the s-plane to the z-plane.
Bilinear Transform: Freq axis
Bilinear Transformation Transformation is unaffected by scaling. Consider inverse transformation with scale factor equal to unity For and so
Bilinear Transformation Mapping of s-plane into the z-plane
Bilinear Transformation Nonlinear mapping introduces a distortion in the frequency axis called frequency warping Effect of warping shown below
Bilinear Transformation (Graphical Translation)
1.Perform frequency prewarp to obtain the corresponding analog filter specs (pick any T) 2.Design the analog filter H c (s) using any one of the analog filter prototypes. 3.Transform H c (s) to H(z). Bilinear Transform: Design Procedure
Bilinear Transform: Ex.
Bilinear Transform
FIR Filter Design
Windowing Principal
Windowing: Frequency Interpretation
Windowing Effects
Rectangular Window
Common Windows
Common window
Effect of Windowing
Windows Freq Domain
Other Windows in Feq Domain
Kaiser Method
Marks McClellan Algo
Parks McClellan Algorithm
Butterworth Approx. in MATLAB
Butterworth Approximation
Chebyshev Approximation
Elliptic Approximation in MATLAB
Elliptic Approximation