Leading up to World War I 3 things help bring the war to a start: (6)Nationalism- This means to have pride in one’s own country and to want certain freedoms.


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Presentation transcript:

Leading up to World War I 3 things help bring the war to a start: (6)Nationalism- This means to have pride in one’s own country and to want certain freedoms or independence. (3/6) Militarism- This means the glorification of war and the military. (6)Alliances- This term means agreements between nations to form a group. (6)Imperialism- control of smaller countries Due to all this tension, Europe was nicknamed the powder keg.

Formation of Alliances Alliances were formed in Europe by certain countries for trade and protection. (4)French & Russia friendly agreement – Entente Coliade It would be the formation of these alliances that would help to start World War I (WWI). There were only two European Alliances: (1) Triple Alliance (Central Powers) (5)Triple Entente (Allied Powers) 1. Germany1. Britain (England) 2. Italy2. France 3. Austria3. Russia

The Start of WWI Due to growing tension, war in Europe was about to start. New countries : (8)Serbia from Serbs in AUS-HUN (9)Bosnia needed to be apart of Serbia June 28th, 1914 Archduke Francis Ferdinand (10 the future king of Austria) was shot to death while visiting Sarajevo, the capital city of Bosnia. He was assassinated by Gavrilo Princip who was a member of a secret nationalist group called the Black Hand to (11)start war to bring down empire

World War I After his assassination, all countries in Europe would be involved in WWI. WWI marked an end to a long era of international peace. This would be the largest and most expensive war the world had ever seen. –Over (14)2 million Russian lives lost by 1915 alone (13)Germany moved quickly and invaded Russia

Cost in $- United States : 22,625,253,000 Great Britain : 35,334,012,000 France : 24,265,583,000 Russia : 22,293,950,000 Italy : 12,413,998,000 Belgium : 1,154,468,000 Romania : 1,600,000,000 Japan : 40,000,000 Serbia : 399,400,000 Greece : 270,000,000 Canada : 1,665,576,000 Australia : 1,423,208,000 New Zealand : 378,750,000 India : 601,279,000 South Africa : 300,000,000 British Colonies : 125,000,000 Germany : 37,775,000,000 Austria-Hungary : 20,622,960,000 Turkey : 1,430,000,000 Bulgaria : 815,200,000

The “Flag of Liberty” Represents All of Us!

Propaganda (16)This is a technique for shaping public opinion and influencing people. 1. Newspapers4. Telegraph 2. Magazines5. Radio 3. Telephone6. Flyers -Britain came up with creative ideas to get America involved. One of the lies was that Germany was using the bodies of dead soldiers as grass fertilizer. - Even (17)cut transatlantic telegraph to control US news

The Most Famous Recruitment Poster

“ Huns Kill Women and Children!”

“Remember Belgium”

Lusitania Germany issued a statement that any ship found off the waters of England was subject to getting sunk by(19) U-boats. (under water boats or submarine) May 7th, 1915 the British passenger liner Lusitania was sunk by a U-boat. 1,200 people died including 128 Americans. Germany stated that the boat was carrying contraband from the United States.

The “Menace of the Seas” The Lusitania was basically seen as a (20)terrorist attack on the USA

Uncle Sam—He the Man!

Zimmerman Telegram (Note) Sussex pledge by (21)Germany promise to stop sinking the merchant ships with Americans In early 1917 U.S. intelligence intercepted note from Germany to Mexico. It was written from the German foreign minister Arthur Zimmerman. Germany wanted Mexico to invade the U.S. and keep us busy. After Germany won in Europe, they would come help Mexico regain the “lost territory” of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona.

Zim Telegram from London # "We intend to begin on the first of February unrestricted submarine warfare. We shall endeavor in spite of this to keep the United States of America neutral. In the event of this not succeeding, we make Mexico a proposal of alliance on the following basis: make war together, make peace together, generous financial support and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The settlement in detail is left to you. You will inform the President of the above most secretly as soon as the outbreak of war with the United States of America is certain and add the suggestion that he should, on his own initiative, invite Japan to immediate adherence and at the same time mediate between Japan and ourselves. Please call the President's attention to the fact that the ruthless employment of our submarines now offers the prospect of compelling England in a few months to make peace." Signed, ZIMMERMANN.. (22)Give back lost territories of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona

United States Goes to War Three major events led the U.S. into WWI 1. Lusitania 2. Zimmerman Note 3. American belief of propaganda (23)April 2nd, 1917 President Woodrow Wilson asked Congress to declare war. WORLD MUST BE SAFE FOR DEMOCRACY


Make Your Own

Tech Time 1- Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary20- Terrorist attack on USA 2-Germany / AUS-HUN come to aide21- German promise not to sink ships 3- build up of armed forces to threaten others 22- lost territory of TX,NM,AZ 4- French & Russian “friendly understanding”23- April 2 nd,1917 world must be 5- Britain,Russia,France safe for democracy 6- Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism 7- People from other countries have own territory 8- Serbian from AUS-HUN 9- Bosnia needs to be apart of Serbia 10- Heir to AUS-HUN throne 11- start a war to bring down AUS-HUN empire 12-Belgium neutral to bring down AUS-HUN empire 13- mobilize quickly million 15- Entente or Alliance 16- Info designed to change opinion 17- Cut transatlantic line 18- Military fortunes of Britain,Russia,France,Germany 19- U-Boat