Standart: Standart: Dinl ə diyi m ə tnd ə yeni söz v ə ifad ə l ə ri seçir Kiçik h ə cmli dialoqlarda i ş tirak edir M ə tnin m ə zmununa uy ğ un suallara Gördüyü əş ya v ə hadis ə l ə rin adını yazır. Mövzu : Mövzu : «Eurovision 2012» Dərsin Məqsədi: 1)Dinl ə diyi m ə tnd ə yeni söz v ə söz birl əş m ə l ə rini ed ə bilir. 2) İ ngilis dilind ə sualları cavablandırır. 3)Kiçik h ə cmli dialoqlarda i ş tirak edir. 4)Oxudu ğ u m ə tnd ə sözl ə ri düzgün t ə l ə ffüz edir. İnteqrasiya: İnteqrasiya: Ə d ə biyyat Dərsin tipi: Dərsin tipi: İ nduktiv (reading, listening, speaking) İş forması: İş forması: Kollektiv i ş, qrup i ş i,f ə rdi i ş İş üsulu: İş üsulu: Beyin h ə ml ə si, müzakir ə, suallar Resurslar: Resurslar: İ KT, lövh ə, d ə rslik, i ş v ə r ə ql ə ri, kompyuter, proyektor, fl əş kart
Do you like music? What kind of music do you like? Who is your favorite singer?
Do you know them?
? ? Can you quess What are we talking about? Can you quess What are we talking about?
T ə tqiqat sualı What countries were the winners of Eurovision song contest?
Who are in the picture? Are they winners? What contest are they at? Is there a flag in their hand? Are they happy? Why? Describe the picture:
Fill in the gaps with these words: listening,favorite,are,“Day after day”,Turkey presenter,English 1.Samir and Elnur were the first …of Azerbaijan in Eurovision. 2.They …. From Azerbaijan …. 3.I like … to song contests and … to the pop music. 4.The language of the Eurovision is.. 5.Their song is …. 6.My … singer is Hadisa. 7.Hadisa is from …. I Group
1)Fill in the gaps these words: favorite, going, are, running, scared, winners, song contest, listening 1. Nigar and Eldar are... Of Eurovision song contest. 2.They... From Azerbaijan. 3.Their song is... 4.I like... To song contests and... to the pop music. 5.My... Singer is Dima Bilan. 6.Dima Bilan is also Eurovision... winner. II Group
What was the song of Elli and Nikki in Eurovision? Now let us listen to the music and pick up words you hear. A winner is a team which picks more Words.
Qruplar öz i ş l ə rini t ə qdim edir, fikirl ə rini bildirirl ə r.Qrupların i ş i müzakir ə olunur v ə bir- birl ə rin ə sual ver ə r ə k ə sk ə laq ə yaradırlar.
İ lk d ə f ə keçiril ə n «Eurovision song contest» haqqında m ə lumat verir ə m. Ş agirdl ə r növb ə l əş m ə yolu il ə m ə tni oxuyurlar.
Do you know? The first Eurovision Song Contest held in Luguano Swit Zerland on the 24 th of May in 1956.Lys Assia won the contest. Her song was refrain. The idea of the Eurovision contest is to show pop music of different countries. The Eurovision contest takes place in May every year. The language of the Eurovision is English. All singers sing in English. The song “Day after Day” brought a great fanne to Azerbaijan in 2008.Azerbaijan joined this song contest for the first time.
In 2012 Azerbaijan opened its doors to Eurovision. It was 57 th annual of Eurovision song contest. The musicians from 42 countries performed their great shows in magnificent newey constructed Crystal Hall. The Eurovision Song Contest 2015 will be the 60 th edition of the annual Eurovision Song Contest.The contest will take place in Vienna Austria.The contest will consist of two semi-finals and final 23 May 2015.Thirty nine countries will participitein the contest.
1.The aim of Eurovision is to show different dances. 2.Eldar and Nigar were our winners in Eurovision. 3.All singers sing in Azerbaijan in the contest. 4.Engilsh singers were the finalists of Eurovision in In 2006 Azerbaijan participated in this contest for the first time. 6.Samir and Elnur participated in the contest with the song “Day after day”. 1.The aim of Eurovision is to show different dances. 2.Eldar and Nigar were our winners in Eurovision. 3.All singers sing in Azerbaijan in the contest. 4.Engilsh singers were the finalists of Eurovision in In 2006 Azerbaijan participated in this contest for the first time. 6.Samir and Elnur participated in the contest with the song “Day after day”.
Make up dialogues using new words. Song contest Winner National music Pop music Rock and roll Jazz Congratulate Flowers.
Ş agirdl ə rin t ə tqiqatının v ə müzakir ə sinin n ə tic ə l ə rini ümumil əş dirib bildirir ə m ki, ş agirdl ə r Eurovision mahnı müsabiq ə sinin qalibinin Az ə rbaycan oldu ğ unu, müxt ə lif ill ə rd ə hansı ölk ə l ə rin qalib oldu ğ unu mü ə yy ə nl əş dirirl ə r. Ev Tapşırığı: İ f I had a chance to present «Azerbaijan in Eurovision» mövzusunda esse yaz.
Qruplar Meyar Kharı bul-bulSpice guys