Social ClassesSocial Classes  First Estate - Roman Catholic Church, less than 1%  Second Estate - Rich Nobles, about 1%  1 st and 2 nd estates had.


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Presentation transcript:

Social ClassesSocial Classes  First Estate - Roman Catholic Church, less than 1%  Second Estate - Rich Nobles, about 1%  1 st and 2 nd estates had the power  Third Estate - 98 % of the population  Bourgeoisie - educated, merchants and artisans  Peasants, servants

Forces of ChangeForces of Change  Enlightenment Ideas  Liberty, Equality, and democracy  Economic Problems  High Taxes  Food Shortage  Spending  Weak Leader  Louis XVI  Marie Antoinette

Revolution DawnsRevolution Dawns  National Assembly  Third Estate  Laws for the people by the people  Tennis Court Oath  Storming the Bastille  July 14 th, 1789  Paris prison  Attempt to secure weapons

National AssemblyNational Assembly  Declaration of the Rights of Man  Equality, freedom of speech, freedom of religion  State controlled church  Lost lands and power  Limited Monarchy  Most of the kings power stripped  Legislative Assembly - create laws, approve wars

King Louis XVIKing Louis XVI  June 1791  Attempted escape from France to Netherlands  September 21 st, 1792  Abolished the monarchy, established a republic  Male adults could vote  King made a prisoner  January 21 st, 1793  Beheaded by the guillotine