ECLIPSES Mrs. Smith 2016
LUNAR ECLIPSE Happens only at night Moon is covered by Earth’s shadow Can be seen from everywhere on earth Lasts for several hours Safe to look at Happens about twice a year Always happens during a full moon
Sun Earth Moon
The lunar eclipse is often called a Blood Moon.
SOLAR ECLIPSE Happens only during the day The sun is blocked by the moon Only seen from one small area on earth Lasts only a few minutes up to an hour NOT safe to look at without special glasses Happens three-four times a year, but only a small area sees it Always happens during a new moon
Sun Earth Moon
To ancient cultures it looked like a monster was eating the sun!
The corona glows out from behind the moon at totality.
Sunday’s Lunar Eclipse will also feature a Super Moon! Check out this story on Best times to watch: 10:11-11:23
Extra Credit Opportunities: Homework: What is a Super Moon and how often do they occur? Photography: Take a unique picture of Sunday’s eclipse and send it to Mrs. Smith’s .