Kansas Partnership for Accessible Technology October 14, 2014 Meeting
AMP Releases AMP was updated to the Summer 2014 Release last month. Features include: Native PDF Automated Testing Enhanced Document Inventory Report Multiple Technology Platform Reports Enhanced Menu and Report Navigation Coming Soon: AMP Toolbar for Internet Explorer Upgrade AMP Report Notifications Enhancements Info on what’s new at Recording of preview webinar at
AMP Training Originally scheduled three dates, added a fourth to meet demand Trained 58 people from 26 agencies Added 30 new AMP accounts
SSB BART Group Webinar “The Digital Accessibility Maturity Model” Thursday, October 16 th 1:00–1:45 PM Details and registration at
Strategic Plan Outreach Have not met with agencies yet as hoped Have made further preparations, approached one agency Will proceed
AudioEye SaaS platform that generates accessible audio representations of websites Company solicited us Attended demonstration webinar Piloting in some states with NIC, offered Kansas a chance to participate
WCAG Documentation Survey Survey that gathers information and ideas to help the W3C WAI Working Groups improve the usability of the WCAG 2.0 support material. The survey focuses on three documents: Techniques for WCAG 2.0 Understanding WCAG 2.0 How to Meet WCAG 2.0 … and briefly asks about some other supporting material. The survey does not cover the WCAG 2.0 standard because it is a stable, referenceable standard that does not change.
STATE ADA COORDINATOR REPORT Anthony Fadale State ADA Coordinator
ACCESSIBLE CONTENT SITE AT KU Kit Cole Software Tester/Accessible IT Coordinator, KU Information Technology
Kansas Dual Party Relay and Telecommunications Access Program (TAP) Presentation for Kansas Partnership for Accessible Technology (KPAT) October 14, 2014 Sara Sack, Ph.D
A Little About Assistive Technology for Kansans Assistive Technology for Kansans is the Statewide Assistive Technology Program—there is one in every state and territory ATK is coordinated by the University of Kansans and has been the SGAT since 1993 Five Assistive Technology Access Sites and one Affiliated AT Access Site (more about them later--) Staff of 24 AT Specialists who serve over 2,000 Kansans each year Services: demonstration, assessment, borrow equipment, assistance regarding eligibility and funding applications, training, and reassignment of durable medical equipment and assistive technology
ATK’s New Project: DPRS and TAP Kansas Corporation Commission handles the funds for the TAP and Dual Party Relay System KTIA had the contract for both services and decided it no longer fit their priorities Terminated contract with 90 days notice ATK was invited to present and a proposal was requested Selected as the recipient after a panel review
According to the Federal Communications Commission The term “telecommunications relay services” means telephone transmission services that provide the ability for an individual who is deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind, or who has a speech disability to engage in communication by wire or radio with one or more individuals, in a manner that is functionally equivalent to the ability of a hearing individual….
Dual Party Relay Provides trained, certified interpreters or communication assistants to people who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind, or have difficulty speaking Interpreters or CAs provide 24 hour service and equal communication access Traditional relay service Captioned Telephone services – CapTel phone, CapTel for PC/Mac, smartphones, tablets Speech to Speech relay service
NPRM: Speech to Speech Relay Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeks comment on key issues: National STS outreach coordinator to conduct STS outreach Consumer eligibility, registration, and verification of STS users Further improvements to STS- The use of caller profiles and An advisory committee dedicated to considering STS issues Proposed use of Video Assisted STS service
New IP Captioned Telephone Service Requirements Self-certify to the provider that They have a hearing loss requiring use of IP CTS, They understand that the captioning on the service is provided by a live CA who listens to the other party on the line and provides the text on the captioned phone They understand that the cost of the IP CTS calls is funded through a federal program; and They will not permit, to the best of their ability, a person who is not registered to use the service to make captioned telephone calls on the registered consumer’s registered IP captioned telephone service or device.
ATK’s Responsibility Hamilton Relay is the provider for the Dual Party Relay Services ATK management review monthly calls, complaints, trends in usage, and financial statements Complaints and trends are reviewed and reported Financial statements are reviewed and approved for payment
KS Telecommunications Access Program(KS TAP) Provides specialized telephones to people with disabilities who have trouble using a phone Regulated by Kansas Corporation Commission, began in 1997
Eligibility Kansas resident Income less than $55,000 ($3,000 added for each dependent) Disability certified by qualified personnel (physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, audiologist, optometrist, speech language pathologist, VR counselor) Has phone or internet service
Frequency of Access Eligible individuals can receive telecommunications devices every 4 years If disability changes and the current device does not meet the individual’s needs, then a different phone or additional equipment may be approved with documentation
Organizational Changes ATK provides six regional offices (5 AT Access Sites and affiliate office in Garden City) Demonstration sites continue and will provide demonstrations by appointment Structure provides support from individuals who know the regional resources ATK staff have experience working with individuals with a variety of disabilities Consumers have toll-free access to regional help (800 KAN DO IT) and state management ( )
Program Changes Vouchers are no longer issued Completed applications are received via fax or Individuals with mobility issues may receive an additional handset through TAP Licensed physician assistants and nurse practitioners may authorize disability
Current Process Applications are mailed, faxed, or ed to consumers Completed applications are sent to Sharon Morton, TAP Coordinator, ATK, 2601 Gabriel, Parsons KS Applications are reviewed Devices are ordered and shipped to consumers or a third party at the consumer’s request
TAP (Telecommunications Access Program) Implementation of the new version began on May 12, Kansans received accessible telecommunications (telephones, signaler-auditory and visual, CapTel phones, remote pendants, in-line dialers) Provide equipment and training on more complex systems Beginning collaborative training with demonstration partners in each region Packets with Equipment & PDA applications and TAP information cards are being mailed to doctors, audiologists, low vision specialists, etc. across the state.
Questions? For more information: Sara Sack ( )
Seeking Suggestions from the Membership What should be the next areas of focus for the KPAT? How can we serve the interests of your agency or organization? What topics would you like to see addressed in future meetings?
Accessible Webinars “How to Design and Deliver an Accessible Webinar” ADA National Network webinar from February by Robin Jones, Director of the Great Lakes ADA Center
Next Meeting Tuesday, January 13, 2015 Time: 2:30–4:30 PM Location: Landon State Office Building Room SW Jackson Street