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Types of Law Cali School Structure Legal Framework Amendments Court Cases 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points Types of Schools
Made by a legislative body, most of these laws enacted are pursuant of spending authority
Highest form of law: Basic principles of governance.
The body of law developed by administrative agencies under legislative authority to carry out statutory responsibilities.
Involved in the daily operation of schools through purchasing, property acquisition, and lease arrangements.
Consists of a four tier system: 1. Municipal courts 2. Superior courts 3. California Courts of Appeal 4. California Supreme Court
Oversees laws from California Department of Education
Key player in legislative agenda. Has power to veto legislation and controls education budget.
Personnel not elected by the board, so no obligation to carry out their orders.
Governs the school districts.
These people have the right “to control the education of their own.”
Schooling at home that is determined by state.
In this type of school, there is Intradistrict open enrollment where parents may select any school in the district for child to attend.
School system that is not regulated in: Admissions, credentialing, textbooks, instructional program, reporting, and finances. May participate in in state’s student assessment system but not required to do so.
This school system may use a voucher system to afford schooling.
This school system can maintain function up to 5 years, but must be monitored by their authorizing entity and county school boards.
Controls educational policies
The federal document that is silent regarding education.
Agencies that control and oversee student academic outcomes, teachers, curriculum, materials, and facilities.
Act as a body in decision making and keep meetings and records open.
Have the authority to assess curriculum and personnel. Duties include but are not limited to: The hire of a principal, textbook requirements, and student discipline.
Congress may not enact any law that respects an establishment of religion, prohibits the free exercise of religion, abridges the freedoms of speech or press, restricts right to peaceful assemble, or prohibits right to petition government to redress grievances.
In education, this Amendment deals with drug-testing, searching lockers, cars, persons, conducting pregnancy tests, and searching school-based computer files.
Deals with self-incrimination when superiors ask teachers about life outside of school.
Teachers have asserted their right to personal privacy outside the classroom under this Amendment.
Alleged discrimination cases based on race, national origin, sex, and background are examined under this Amendment.
A private school teacher challenged a state law that forbid teaching of a foreign language in public or private school to any student who had not passed the eighth grade. (court ruled law intruded on teachers right to teach and parents right to control child’s upbringing)
Case that fought against Oregon statue requiring all children 8-16 to attend public school.
Noting some overlap in duties between local boards and school councils, the Kentucky Supreme Court reasoned that the state did not delegate to local boards approval authority over council decisions pertaining to school improvement plans.
Individuals do not have an inherent federally protected right to an education as decided under this court case.
In this court case, the Supreme Court declared, “the responsibility for public education is primarily the concern of the states, but it is equally true that such responsibilities, like all other state activity, must be exercised consistently with federal constitution requirements as they apply to the state action.”
Make your wager
Only these decisions have national application.