Warm-up English IV: August 25, 2014 Welcome to English IV! Pick up a “tell me about you” sheet from the front of the room. Find your seat number on the list attached to the white board. (Seat #s are located on the back of the desks.) Complete the survey for your warm-up today. Please take your time on this and complete it thoroughly.
Agenda Warm-up Roll/Introductions Syllabus Highlights Introduction Letter If time, Deeper Reading Introduction
British Lit. - Overview of Units Unit 1 – Stories that Shape Us Memoirs and sample essays Personal Essay Unit 2 – Satirizing Society The Canterbury Tales by Geoffery Chaucer Exam, Satirical Tale, and Presentation Unit 3 - Power and Corruption Macbeth by William Shakespeare Socratic Seminar Literary Analysis Essay
Overview of Units (cont.) Unit 4 – Systems and Oppression 1984 by George Orwell Critical Analysis/Persuasive Essay Unit 5 – Crushed Identity Colonial literature (selected works from textbook). Teach-the-Class Presentations Unit 6 – Monsters and Villains Beowulf Multiple Intelligence Project
Policies, Procedures, and such… You will have a quiz on these procedures, so pay attention.
Supplies (pg 2 of syllabus) 1. Three ring binder with college-ruled paper and dividers. Suggested labels: Notes, Vocab, Writing, Handouts, Other 2. Writing utensil. As long as I can easily see and read your work, I don’t care if you write in pen or pencil (no markers, highlighters, or crayons). If I can’t read it, it’ll be given back to you.
Start of Class: Warm-ups When the bell rings, start working on the warm-up. ○ Make sure homework is on desk! Every day, warm-ups will be on overhead. ○ These will be completed in a packet. ○ 5% of your grade. ○ If you lose your packet… Turn in your warm-ups stapled on line paper for a minor point deduction. Download and print a new one from the website and get caught up. ○ Warm-ups are online. If you’re absent, find them there and make them up. If you are late, find them there and finish at home. ○ Due when we complete them and then you get new ones.
Classroom Guidelines
1. Treat everyone with dignity and respect your environment. 2. Keep your cell phone put away. 3. No food or drinks that cause distractions/messes. (Beverages with caps that twist on ONLY.) 4. Challenge yourself both as a person and student. 5. Follow all JHS/DPS policies.
Consequences Verbal warning/redirection/conference. Lunch detention, parent contact. Referral to office. *I reserve the right to bypass the standard steps of consequences when there are offensive things said, verbal or physical altercation, harassment of any kind.
How will I be graded? Major Assignments = 40% Minor Assignments = 50% Vocabulary = 10%
When You Are Tardy… Students who come late to class without an official pass from the office or another teacher indicating the excuse have an unexcused tardy. 1 tardy – warning 2 tardies – warning 3 tardies –parent contact, lunch detention 4 tardies – parent contact, lunch detention 5 tardies – referral to office and parent contact NOTE: Your body must be INSIDE the room in order not to be counted as tardy.
Absent Work Check class website to see what you missed. Get work from absent bin. Excused: You have one day for every day absent to make up work. Exception: If you are absent on a day a project or essay is due, you must give it to me the DAY you come back. Otherwise, late policy will apply. Unexcused: Late policy will apply.
Late Work What is late? -Student does not have work ready RIGHT when I come to get it. -Student tries to give work to me after I collect it. -Student says they were sick but do not have an excused absence. -Student forgets to give me their work even when it was done on time. -Student has to go to locker to get their work. Work is late if not given to e the FIRST time I ask for it. Late work policy… Any assignment not turned in right when I ask for it will be marked down 10% for every day it is late. After that, you can only receive half credit for your work. *Minor assignments: If it’s turned in later on the same day that it’s due, it will be a minor point deduction. *Note: Don’t expect late work to be graded in a timely manner. I give priority to work turned in on time.
Bathroom I understand needing a break from sitting for a 90 minute period. I understand the need to remove yourself from the room for various reasons, and I want to give you a chance to do that but I also want to help remove the temptation of doing it too much and missing important things in class. So, here’s the deal… -4 “hall passes” -You sign the log when you leave with the date. -After you use up your “passes” and still want to leave the room, you may do so; but, it will require the payment of a lunch detention with me. -So make sure you use your “passes” wisely.
Remember This is a class you must pass in order to graduate. Make sure you know that in order to be successful, you must realize that graduation is something you earn. In order to reach that goal do not… -Give into senioritis. -Skip class. -Fail to keep up with/don’t do work. -Expect to do nothing the second half of the year or during the last quarter. -Fail to ask for help when you need it.