Е.V.Volodına Budget accounting and reporting reforms ın Russian Federatıon
Expenditures management Annual budget «financing of expendıtures» Targeted usage – compliance with plan Indexation of expenditures and «restricted budget» Reportıng on funds usage Results managemenmt Bultı-year fiscal plan (budget) Expendıture lıabıltıes performance Targeted usage – output based Extentıon of authorıtıes and responsıbılıtıes of budget users Reportıng on funds usage Draft legıslatıon Transfer to a new model of the budget process organısatıon организации
Budget account structure Administrative and functional classification Code of activit y Synthetic account code Analytical code Public administration operations sector code Synthetic account object Chart of account code
Budget income classification
Budget expenditures classification
Classification of sources for budget deficit financing
As of January 1, 2007 in mln USD Execution balance of the federal budget
ASSETS CODE OF LINE Budget funds as of beginning of a year Budget funds by the end of the reporting period 1237 I. Non=financial assets Fixed assets (initial cost, ) * , ,1 Amortization of fixed assets ( ) * , ,0 Fixed assets (depreciated cost, стр стр.020) , ,1 Intangible fixed assets (initial cost, ) *040308,1304,4 Amortization of intangible fixed assets ( ) *05013,321,5 Intangible fixed assets (depreciated cost, стр стр.050)060294,8282,8 Non=produced assets (initial cost, )07046,3 Total by section I (стр стр стр стр стр стр.140) , ,1
II. Financial assets Fiscal means of institution ( )160420,6418,3 Means on budget accounts ( ) , ,6 Financial investments ( ) ,63 933,4 Settlements with borrowers on incomes ( ) ,66 525,5 Settlements on given advances ( ) ,54 485,2 Settlements with borrowers on budget credits ( ) , ,8 Settlements with reporting units ( )280138,8156,6 Settlements on deficiency ( )320198,9249,3 Settlements with other borrowers ( )3400,0 Total by section II (стр стр стр стр стр стр стр стр стр.340) , ,7 Balance , ,8
LIABILITIES CODE OF LINE Budget funds as of beginning of a year Budget funds by the end of the reporting period 1237 III. Obligations Settlements with borrowers on debt commitment ( ) , ,1 Settlements with suppliers and vendors ( ) ,11 273,7 Settlements budget payments ( )420135,6305,2 Other settlements with с кредиторами ( )44039,740,0 Total by section III (стр стр стр стр.440 +стр.450) , ,0 IV. Financial result Financial result ( ), including: , ,8 BALANCE , ,8
Report on financial results of activity (by federal budget) As of January 1, 2007 in mln USD
Name of indicator Code by КОСГУBudget activity 134 Revenues ,8 Tax revenues ,7 Revenues from property ,4 Revenues market sale of goods, work, services ,9 Mandatory withdraw amounts ,4 Grant and non=refundable receipts form budgets ,9 Membership fees, utilities payments 160 0,0 Revenues of future periods 130 0,0
Expenditures ,4 Wages and allowances ,5 Purchase of services ,8 Debt commitment service incl: ,9 domestic debt commitment service ,9 external debt commitment service ,0 Grant and non=refundable transfers to organizations ,2 Grant and non=refundable transfers to budgets incl: ,2 transfers to other budgets of the Russian budget system ,2 transfers to supranational organizations and governments of foreign countries ,1 transfers to international organizations ,9 Social security ,3 expenditures on operations with assets ,5 Other expenditures ,0 Net operational result ,4 Operational result before taxation ,4 Profit tax 000 0,0
Operations with non=financial assets ,4 Net receipt of assets ,9 Net receipt of intangible assets ,0 Net receipt of non=productive assets ,3 Net receipt of financial recourses ,8 Operations with financial assets and liabilities ,1 Operations with financial assets ,9 Net receipt of funds on budget accounts ,1 Net receipt of securities, other than shares and other forms of capital participation ,4 Net receipt of securities and other forms of capital participation ,1 Net provision of budget credits ,7 Net receipt of deposits, other financial assets 000 Net increase of borrower liability (except budget credits, loans) ,7 Operations with liabilities ,1 Net increase of domestic debt liabilities ,8 Net increase of external debt liabilities ,3 Net increase of credit liability (except domestic and extrenal debt liabilities) ,4