Time or System sensitive Data (TOD/ABT) – Charge based on System health Falling Communication and Computing costs More Data – More Information – Informed Customer – Satisfied Customer Increasing demands of granularity of data Utility Centric Customer Centric
Better demand response management by near-time feedback / inferences Control Functions demand Status feedback Direct load control, Automatic, sensor based, timed….., individually Localised networking with ZigBee, LONWorks…..(“short hop” comms) Triple Play, Multi-play Response Centric Equipment Centric
Data – port it once, process many – many applications share same data – at least SCADA & MIS (SAP like) Meter Data porting requirements increase - to cope the highest demand of data / frequency provide meter data to other applications inside the utility increasing as other uses for the data are realized Requirements for provide meter data to parties outside the utility increase. Particularly in jurisdictions with competitive retailing Also for energy service companies and others providing services to utility customers, By agencies wanting to analyze aggregate or anonymous data Application Centric Consumer Centric
On-demand power status requests – Political and Statutory bodies Connect – Disconnect; Power On - Off Demand for Reducing Realization Period Increasing Data demand is mainly for awareness, status information rather for billing Process Centric
Traditional utility applications will continue to support and exist with an AMI deployment. CIS and Meter Asset management systems to add manageability of connectivity components Billing cycles to shift off from Geographical considerations – To Customers Choice, Usage pattern, Customer pattern Utility wants SCADA & Metering to share information Customers are required to be given not just data, but proactive suggestions for DSM using knowledge base – Self Service
Minimum 15 min interval data (ABT de facto standard) – daily read for all residential meters TOD details over cumulative figures Reports to Customers over web – Information anywhere. Necessity for multiple & better connectivity
Intellectual Property retention Delay in formulating the metering standards Volume Requirement of devices beyond utility metering point Consumers wants direct Access to devices – why to depend on utility? Issues of extant power quality. Consideration of “do something” to increase power quality; AMI as “Hi-Fi”
Integrated remote control is looked upon with suspicion Meter manufacturers are concentrating on “packaging” intelligence in devices Integrators are slow to follow the SOA / Web services suit.
Electricity is to be “taught” to the mass as a Commodity To adapt for multiple tariffs, TOD, TOW, TOY Integration / Extension of Multiple Services VAS, Triple Play, Multi Play System Information / Proactive Information regarding availability, maintenance, payment collection Knowledge Base for Demand Side Management
Remote / Scheduled / Event based switching of circuits at levels deeper than that of the utility meter Metering at all elements to have Energy Accounting, Theft Management and Operational Optimisation. Electricity being concurrent, postmortem only is possible. Meter Inter-changeability
Even when throwing in the river, measure what you throw, or Even waste should be measured and discarded,
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