The End of the Vietnam War Chapter 29
Continued Problems in Vietnam Republican Richard Nixon became President in 1969 Richard Nixon promised to end the fighting in Vietnam and bring the country back together Nixon announced a plan to turn the defense of South Vietnam over to the South Vietnamese over the next three years
Cambodia Cambodia was a neutral country to the West of South Vietnam Despite being neutral, it’s government could not prevent the North Vietnamese and Vietcong from setting up bases on it’s border They would use these bases to set up attacks against the Americans and South Vietnamese In 1970, Nixon allowed American troops to destroy the enemy supplies in Cambodia
Cambodia The North Vietnamese and Vietcong seized control of Northeast Cambodia. Some Cambodians joined in the war, and spread out west and south towards the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh The United States wanted to prevent the complete collapse of the Cambodian government, so it sent large amounts of military supplies to Cambodia. United States bombers provided air support for the Cambodian army
Kent State University The news of American involvement in Cambodia caused large antiwar protests across the country, especially colleges Nixon asked for support from the “ silent majority ” On May 2, 1970, students at Kent State University were protesting the Vietnam War and burned a school building The governor ordered the National Guard to protect the University On May 4, some students threw rocks at the National Guard soldiers, who opened fire killing 4 students As a result, the US Senate ended military support for Cambodia
End of the War Nixon was re-elected President in 1972 by defeating George McGovern of South Dakota McGovern wanted to remove troops from Vietnam immediately, which even some Democrats didn’t support In 1973, North Vietnam and the United States signed a cease-fire agreement in Paris France The Paris-Peace Accords stated that America would remove all troops from South Vietnam but continue to send military and economic aid. North Vietnam would have to release all Prisoners of War (POWs)
South Vietnam Falls In 1975, North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam Without American military support, the South Vietnamese government could not survive and the army fell apart In April 1975, the North Vietnamese army captured Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam Helicopters from the roof of the American Embassy rescued American Officials and some South Vietnamese.
Vietnam Summary 2 nd Longest War in American History 58,000 American soldiers were killed, and another 300,000 were wounded The war cost the US $150 billion The war caused confusion about the nation’s role in world affairs The War Powers Act was passed, requiring the President to explain to Congress within 48 hours whenever American troops were sent to a foreign country