Understanding Public Image and Greek Stereotypes Greek Stereotypes Activity Individual Reflection and Small Group Discussion Wrap-Up and Questions
What are the Core Values of Pi Lambda Phi?
Pi Lambda Phi Creed That all men are created free and equal. That no society of men can flourish unless members of that society are endowed with the opportunities and privileges of freedom. That freedom implies the elimination of prejudice. That the elimination of prejudice means a better understanding 'twixt men. That it is incumbent upon me to fight for such freedom, even with my life. That it is incumbent upon me, in my personal life, to be devoted to the highest standards of honesty and justice. That because my country is dedicated to the highest standards of freedom and justice for all men of all creeds, I hereby pledge allegiance to my country, and to its national symbol.
Do others, outside of your own members, know and understand your core values? Do others, outside of our fraternity and sorority communities, know and understand the core values of Greek Life?
What do those outside of Greek Life believe to be true about fraternities and sororities? What are the stereotypes of Greek Life?
Silent Group Activity › As you read each article, use a marker or a pen to comment on how you think it impacts how perceive fraternities and sororities › You can also comment on other people’s comments
Please answer the questions on your handout about your chapter’s public image
What stereotypes does the public hold about your chapter or your Greek community? How do we want others to perceive our fraternal organizations? How do we want others to know what we value? What are ways that you can improve your chapter or Greek community’s public image?