Different Methods of Blood Sample Collection FBS PPBS Lipid Profile
Standard Colour Code Why we are using standard colour code? What are the colours Light Blue – Sodium Citrate – Coagulation tests, PT/INR Green – Heparin – Troponin, BUN, Lavender – EDTA –FBC Ash – Sodium Fluoride – FBS Red – No additives – Grouping and DT
Volume Of Blood
Red – 7-10 mL Sterile, no anticoagulant or additives. Collection of serum for chemical or serological and bacteriologic studies. May be used for any procedure requiring serum
Lavender (LT)5 mL Sterile, contains EDTA (Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetate) as the anticoagulant. *MIX WELL!* Primarily for collection of hematology studies, blood bank procedures and certain chemistries.
Blue 4. 5 mL Sterile, contains sodium citrate (0. 109M, 3 Blue 4.5 mL Sterile, contains sodium citrate (0.109M, 3.2%) solution as the anticoagulant. Tube calibrated to draw only 4.5 ml of blood. Only properly filled tubes are accepted for testing. *MIX WELL!*Primarily for collection of coagulation studies.
Gray - 3 mL Sterile, contains potassium oxalate and sodium fluoride as the anticoagulant. *MIX WELL!* For the collection of glucose and lactate samples. Not suitable for enzymes or electrolytes.
Green - 5 mL Sterile, contains lithium heparin as the anticoagulant Green - 5 mL Sterile, contains lithium heparin as the anticoagulant. *MIX WELL!* Electrolytes, glucose, BUN can be performed more quickly than from a red top; especially useful for patients in DKA.
Royal Blue - 7 mL Sterile, contains no anticoagulant. For detection of trace metals (i.e., Arsenic, Zinc, etc.). Contact lab to acquire this tube.
Yellow - 6 mL Sterile, contains ACD (Acid Citrate Dextrose) as the anticoagulant. *MIX WELL!* For determination of HLA-ABC antigens, HLA-B27, HLA Molecular Typing, G6PD levels and acid phosphatase levels.
Special Considerations Don’t keep tourniquet more than one minuet Never select a site that is edematous or has lesions Never perform venipuncture above an IV site Avoid using the arm on the side of a mastectomy
Cleaning the site with an antiseptic (70% isopropyl alcohol) helps prevent microbial contamination
Special considerations Language barrier patients Pt with mental disease condition Cultural diversity patients Pt with physical disability Elderly pt
Assignment 1). Based on your clinical experience, prepare a document including All Laboratory test which are performing in the hospital setting Specific ingredients in the container Amount of blood for each test What are the special conditions that should be completed prior to doing the test If special indications available, explain each of them. 2). Explain the universal Precautions should be followed during the venipuncture procedure? Explain the reasons.