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Learning Teaching Enhancing Supporting Sharing

As you arrive... Log in to ovecisln.wikispaces.com Log in to ovecisln.wikispaces.com Log in to todaysmeet.com/OVECISLN Log in to todaysmeet.com/OVECISLN In Today’s Meet, answer the following: In Today’s Meet, answer the following: What is your school doing now to learn more about PGES? ISLN participants!

Student Achievement Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Principal Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Overview

Principal Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Effectiveness Effectiveness is the goal. Evaluation Evaluation is merely the means. ©

Leader Evaluation System What is the basis of principals’ evaluation?What is the basis of principals’ evaluation? How will principal effectiveness be documented?How will principal effectiveness be documented? How will principal effectiveness be rated?How will principal effectiveness be rated?

Question 1 What is the basis of principals’ evaluation?

Main Components Sample Performance Indicators Examples may include, but are not limited to: The principal: 4.1Demonstrates and communicates a working knowledge and understanding of Kentucky school laws and regulations, and school/district policies and procedures. 4.2Establishes, in collaboration with the school council, and enforces policies and procedures to ensure to ensure a safe, secure, efficient, and orderly facility and grounds. 4.3Monitors and provides efficient supervision for all physical plant and related activities through an appropriate process. Exemplary In addition to meeting the requirements for Accomplished... Accomplished is the expected level of performance. DevelopingIneffective The principal excels at organizational management, demonstrating proactive decision-making, coordinating efficient operations, and maximizing available resources. The principal fosters the success of all students by supporting, managing, and overseeing the school’s organization, operation, and use of resources. The principal inconsistently supports, manages, or oversees the school’s organization, operation, or use of resources. The principal inadequately supports, manages, or oversees the school’s organization, operation, or use of resources. Performance Rubric Standard 4: Organizational Management The principal fosters the success of all students by supporting, managing, and overseeing the school’s organization, operation, and use of resources. Performance Standard Performance Indicators

Principal Performance Standards 1. Instructional Leadership 2. School Climate 3. Human Resources Management 4. Organizational Management 5. Communication and Community Relations 6. Professionalism 7. Student Growth

Getting to Know the Standards  Two Handouts:  Quick Research References  Performance Standard/Indicators/Rubric  Each person choose a different standard so as many standards as possible are represented.  Read the Performance Standard sheet and quick research for your assigned standard  Be ready to share your standard once everyone is finished.

As you read think about:  What is the expectation of the standard?  What do the indicators tell you about the standard?  For a principal to be accomplished, what must he/she do? Share with the highlights of what you have learned with the others in your group.

Question 2 How will principal effectiveness be documented?

Data Sources for Principals Observations/ School Site Visits Ranges from watching how principals interact with others, to observing programs and shadowing Should include formal interview or less structured discussion of job Two per year; minimum duration of one hour Surveys Provide information about perceptions of job performance Include VAL-ED or TELL Kentucky and additional surveys as desired Part of Reflective Practice and Professional Growth Planning Template Documentation Provides principals with key voice in evaluation 1-3 artifacts per performance standard Annotations as needed for clarification Goal Setting for Student Growth Principals set at least one goal tied directly to student academic growth Evaluator and principal review baseline data and goal Goals also reviewed at middle and end of year to determine progress Self-Reflection Reveals principals’ perceptions of their job performance Principals share self-reflection with supervisors Part of Reflective Practice and Professional Growth Planning Template Professional Growth Plan Helps translate growth needs into practical activities and experiences Professional goals developed collaboratively with evaluator Part of Reflective Practice and Professional Growth Planning Template

Data Collection Responsibility Data Collection Procedure Form(s)EvaluatorPrincipal Survey Reflective Practice and Professional Growth Planning Template Self-Reflection Reflective Practice and Professional Growth Planning Template Professional Growth Plan Reflective Practice and Professional Growth Planning Template Observations/ School Site Visits Observation/Site Visit Form DocumentationDocumentation Form Goal Setting Student Academic Growth Goal Setting Form

Question 3 How will principal effectiveness be rated?

Evaluations Mid-YearReview Formative evaluation to provide systematic feedback Used to document evidence of meeting standards Does NOT include rating of performance Results shared with principal by January 30 Summative Evaluation Comes at end of evaluation cycle Four-level rating scale Performance rubric for every standard

Terms Used in Rating Scale Exemplary The principal maintains performance, accomplishments, and behaviors that consistently and considerably surpass the established standard. Exceptional Performance Sustains high performance over period of time Empowers teachers and students Serves as role model to others CategoryDescriptionDefinition Accomplished The principal meets the standard in a manner that is consistent with the school’s mission and goals. Proficient Performance Meets the requirements contained in job description as expressed in evaluation criteria Behaviors have positive impact on learners and school climate Willing to learn and apply new skills Developing The principal often performs below the established standard or in a manner that is inconsistent with the school’s missions and goals. Below Acceptable Performance Requires support in meeting the standards Results in less than quality work performance Requires professional growth being jointly identified and planned between principal and evaluator Ineffective The principal consistently performs below the established standards or in a manner that is inconsistent with the school’s missions and goals. Unacceptable Performance Does not meet requirements contained in job description as expressed in evaluation criteria Results in minimal student progress May contribute to a recommendation for employee not to be considered for continued employment

Sample Summative Evaluation Form (abbreviated) Exemplary In addition to meeting the requirements for Accomplished... Accomplished is the expected level of performance. DevelopingIneffective The principal excels at organizational management, demonstrating proactive decision-making, coordinating efficient operations, and maximizing available resources. The principal fosters the success of all students by supporting, managing, and overseeing the school’s organization, operation, and use of resources. The principal inconsistently supports, manages, or oversees the school’s organization, operation, or use of resources. The principal inadequately supports, manages, or oversees the school’s organization, operation, or use of resources. Comments: Performance Standard 4: Organizational Management

Focus on Effectiveness Outstanding Outstanding Teachers & Leaders Results = Student Results

Student Achievement Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Teacher Professional Growth and Effectiveness System

Domain 1: Planning & Preparation Domain 2: Classroom Environment Domain 3: Instruction Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Domain 5: Student Growth Observatio n Self- Reflection Student Growth Professional Growth Student Voice Peer Observation

Proposed Multiple Measures Teacher Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Observation Peer Observation Professional Growth Self-Reflection Student Voice Student Growth All measures are supported through evidence.

Learning Teaching Enhancing Supporting Sharing

2b Establishing a Culture for Learning Read through component 2b Make notes Highlight, underline How would you describe the difference between performance levels?

Script what you see and hear: what the teacher does and says what students do and say Script evidence. Avoid interpretation – you’re not making judgments now; avoid things like students seem happy or excited about the lesson. Beware of bias – you’re not making value judgments. Be aware of your personal preferences and your “should have, could have, would have” thoughts.

Learning Teaching Enhancing Supporting Sharing

District Share Out How districts are supporting PGES Henry County Carroll County Grant County

Learning Teaching Enhancing Supporting Sharing

Activity Agenda  Possible Next Steps  District Planning Time  District Sharing

Theory of Change

Topics for Teachers and Teacher Leaders

 Facilitating learning teams  Standards for Mathematical Practice  Literacy strategies in all content areas  HETL/ PGES, individualized, specific goals  Effective design and use of PLC action plans

Learning Designs for Teachers

Instruction/ Implementation  Action Research  Co-teaching  Peer Observations  Coaching


 Develop/ Select content-specific visions of success for all students  Identify the likely impact of an initiative prior to implementation  Develop teachers’ leadership, share leadership functions with teachers  Co-teach  Examine evidence at all levels of change Killion, 2012

Killion, J. (2012). Meet the Promise of Content Standards: The Principal. Learning Forward

District Planning Time

District Sharing

Learning Teaching Enhancing Supporting Sharing

 Sit with your fellow district representatives.  With your fellow district representatives, discuss each indicator and where your district is for E/ LA and mathematics.  Agree, as a district, on a rating for each indicator. Circle the indicator.  Submit to facilitators.

Wrap up  Evaluations  What do you need from OVEC?  June meeting  Innovation Configuration Maps