Thermal Pollution Causes: Factories release hot water into waterways Effects: Less oxygen gas dissolved in water
Biological Magnification Cause: a toxic nonbiodegradable material such as DDT build us in a food chain Effects: animals at the top of the food chain exhibit negative effects
Acid Rain Causes: 1. Nitrites from vehicle exhausts 2. Sulfate from coal burning **Both gases dissolve in water causing the pH of rain to lower. Effects: 1. Damage to plant leaves 2. Dissolves important minerals in the soil 3. Lowers the pH of water below the limit of tolerance
Ground level ozon build up Causes 1. Nitrites and nitrates from fuel combustion 2. VOC’s (volatile organic compounds, printing, painting, drycleaning) 3. Hot, still and bright conditions allow chemical reactions to occur that build up OOO (smog) itn the lower atmosphere.
Effects: 1. ozone causes lung tissue to age faster 2. breathing difficulties 3. Damages rubber and plastic products
Upper level ozone depletion CAUSES: 1. CFC’s (chloroflourocarbons) or other refrigeratants. In past were found in most aerosols. EFFECTS: Destroys ozone in stratosphere – leads to increased cancer and cataracts
Greenhouse Effect CAUSE: Carbon dioxide build up in atmosphere, and traps heat EFFECT: overall warming of the earth, climate shifts, ice melting, due to burning of fossil fuels and slash/burn trees, also fewer trees/plants available to take up carbon dioxide.
Wastes BIODEGRADABLE: wastes that can be broken down by decomposers NonBIODEGRADABLE: not be broken down by decomposers, plastics, pesticides, toxic metals