Billie-jo Russell 12.1
A shot reverse shot is a technique used in media and films where a camera shot position is swapped. Examples of this include alternate shots, over the shoulder shots and also point of view shots.
Alternative shots are used during conversations in films/TV etc. The effect is made by switching the camera between each actor whilst each person is speaking. The camera shows both characters one after the other but it shows them slightly from the side rather than a head-on perspective.
* The over shoulder shot is similar to alternative shots and is used during conversations, the camera usually swaps between the back of each person’s shoulder. You have to be careful with this and make sure it correlates with their speech. E.g.
* A point of view shot is when the camera is in line with where the characters eye line would be, this is used so it’s almost as though we can see the scene through the character’s eyes. We’ll have a more head on view of the character in front. This is effective because you get to see the facial expression of the character.