Body Parts W ITH A PARTNER (2 PEOPLE ONLY ), USING THE PERSPECTIVES ON HEALTH TEXT BOOK, LOOK UP AND DEFINE THE FOLLOWING STRUCTURES : SKIN PG 18 EYE PG 38 EAR PG 47 TEETH PG 29 Function: Protection Temperature Regulation Waste Removal Sensation Function: Detect shape, color, brightness and movement Function: Allows you to hear, warning system against danger Helps keep your balance. Function: Chews food Shape your face Affects how you speak 1) Epidermis 2) Dermis 3) Subcutaneous Layer 4) Hair Shaft 5) Pore 6) Pain Receptors 7) Hair Follicle 8) Sweat Gland 9) Blood Vessels 10) Pressure Receptors -Sebaceous Glands -Collagen Rods Cones Vitreous humor 1) Cornea 2) Pupil 3) Lens 4) Iris 5) Sclera 6) Choroid 7) Retina 8) Fovea 9) Optic nerve 10) Blood vessel **Outer ear traps sound waves and passes them along a short tunnel to the middle ear. 1) Eardrum 2) Hammer/Anvil 3) Stirrup 3)Oval window 5) Semicircular canals 6) Cochlea 7) Auditory nerve 8) Eustachian tube 1) Crown 2) Neck 3) Root 4) Enamel 5) Dentin 6) Pulp 7) Cementum TYPES OF TEETH Incisors Canines Premolars Molars For each body part, you must also list and explain 2 diseases/disorders/illnesses
Body Parts
SKIN Function: –Protection –Temperature Regulation –Waste Removal – Sensation
SKIN 1) Epidermis – thin outer layer of skin 2)Dermis – inner layer of skin that contains most of the living structure of the skin 3)Subcutaneous Layer – layer of tissue that binds the skin to the body. 4) Hair Shaft - 5) Pore – tiny openings that release substances from the dermis 6) Pain Receptors – tiny nerve endings that allow you to feel pain 7) Hair Follicle – Bulb-shaped roots that extend from dermis 8) Sweat Gland – produce respiration, which helps to cool the body 9) Blood Vessels – where blood to passed throught 10) Pressure Receptors - tiny nerve endings that allow you to feel pressure Sebaceous Glands – oil gland that releases sebum Collagen – elastic fiber that gives your skin strength and flexibility
Skin Disorders Acne – condition where excess sebum is produced Dermatitis – redness or swelling of the skin. Not a disease but a skin condition that may result from many different causes. Ringworm – fungus that causes red, scaly, round patches Athlete’s foot – fungal infection of the moist skin under and between toes. Skin Cancer – Melanoma – large irregular shaped moles. This type of cancer can spread to other parts of body.
EYE Function: –detect shape, color, brightness, and movement.
EYE Rods – cells that distinguish between black and white. Allow you to see in dim light. Cones – photoreceptors that detect color. Vitreous humor – clear jelly in center of eye 1) Cornea – clear, nearly circular structure that serves as a window 2) Pupil – round opening that regulate the amount of light that enters the eyes 3) Lens – flexible structure that aligns the light rays so that they come together in the inner layer of the eye 4) Iris – colored circle surrounding the pupil 5) Sclera – white of the eye 6) Choroid – tissue that contains many blood vessels. 7) Retina – part of the eye that absorbs light rays and changes them into electrical messages that then create images 8) Fovea – small yellow spot at the center back of the retina 9) Optic nerve – cord of nerve fibers that carries messages to the brain 10) Blood vessel
Eye Disorders Nearsightedness – objects that are far away appear blurred Farsightedness – nearby objects appear blurred Astigmatism – a disorder in which an irregularly shaped cornea or lens causes light rays to focus unevenly on the retina Night blindness – condition in which people do not have good vision at night, due to poor functioning of the rods Colorblind – difficulty distinguishing colors, due to poor functioning cones.
EAR Function: –Allows you to hear, warning system against danger –Helps keep your balance. Outer ear traps sound waves and passes them along a short tunnel to the middle ear.
EAR 1) Eardrum – membrane stretched across the opening of the middle ear 2&3) Hammer/Anvil/Stirrup – tiny bones named for their shape. Help in hearing and protect eardrum - Oval window – membrane that separates the middle ear from the inner ear 5) Semicircular canals – fluid filled tubes lined with tiny hairs which are connected to nerve cells (Sense of balance) 6) Cochlea – a spiral tube that turns sound waves to nerve impulses 7) Auditory nerve – nerve in the cochlea that carry impulses to the brain 8) Eustachian tube – tube that stretches from back of nose into the middle ear. Lets air pass
Ear Disorders Ear infections – Hearing Impairment-partial hearing loss Deafness- total hearing loss
TEETH Function: –Chews food –Shape your face –Affects how you speak
TEETH 1) Crown – part of tooth you see above gum line 2) Neck – where crown and root come together 3) Root – part of the tooth below gum line that fits into jaw bone 4) Enamel – white, compact material containing calcium that covers the crown 5) Dentin – below enamel, makes up body of tooth 6) Pulp – soft tissue containing blood vessels and nerve fibers 7) Cementum – a sensitive, bonelike material that covers the root of the tooth. TYPES OF TEETH Incisors – sharp front teeth used to cut food Canines – pointed teeth that tear food into smaller pieces Premolars – teeth with double points that tear and crush food Molars – large teeth with several rounded points that grind food into bites
Teeth Disorders Cavities – holes in the enamel that result from decay Plaque – colorless layer of bacteria, saliva, and food particles Malocclusion – condition when the upper and lower teeth do not line up properly when the mouth is shut Gingivitis – early stage of gum disease that may cause inflamed and swollen gums. Periodontitis – later stager of gum disease that may cause chronic inflammation of the gum tissue and destruction of the bone tissue.