OPENING OF YOUR SPEECH 1.Capture your audiences’ attention! 2.Define your purpose. 3.Establish credibility,
OPENING STATEMENT TECHNIQUES Startling statement Quotation Story Reference to subject or occasion
ORGANIZATIONAL PATTERNS: PROBLEM-SOLUTION 1.Establish what the problem is to either: A. urge a change B. demand things stay the same Example: World Hunger, Pro Choice (Roe vs. Wade)
2. Provide two-three reasons for this problem - illustrate an example - provide evidence 3. Argue 2-3 means of solving this problem - This is your argument
REASON-GIVING Used to sell or motivate people - convince them they need something - Organize reasons from least important to most important
COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGES -Used to compare two sides of an issue -Your side is right, the other side wrong -Compare and contrast points -Need to establish the existence of this problem
CONCLUSION - Re-establish how these solutions solve your problem - Provide a shocking statement about what might happen if your solution isn’t followed or your reasons aren’t believed