Thesis Presentation IV – Fall Midterm Review NewMediaArts art 127 :: graphic symbolism week 1 :: b
NewMediaArts art 127 :: graphic symbolism :: week 1 :: b :: in-class examples Related symbols Toyota: Earth: Wheel: Toyota Logo
NewMediaArts art 127 :: graphic symbolism :: week 1 :: b :: today’s agenda in-class demonstration: the homework go over some basic illustrator techniques in-class activity: work on the black square problem in class on your sketches digitally in Illustrator
NewMediaArts art 127 :: graphic symbolism :: week 1 :: b :: homework homework project: “Black square problem” * - INCREASE, ORDER, or BOLD purpose/objective: To solve a design problem using simple geometric shapes in order to communicate a thematic visual message. assignment: Using only solid black squares, position them within a square frame in such a way that conveys one of the following themes: order, increase, or bold. Pick one theme and make 8 sketches of that particular theme using black marker on white paper. Then, choose one design from your sketches that works best and recreate it in Illustrator. Bring both your sketches and your digital printout to class. format: Confined inside of a square similar to the images above: 8 sketches of one theme (any size sketch is ok, use black marker and white paper, 8.5” x 11” paper will work fine) 1 digital mock-up of your selected sketch (8.5” x 11” printed from Illustrator) due next class ::
NewMediaArts art 127 :: graphic symbolism :: week 1 :: b :: in-class activity Demonstration: Layers, layers, layers. Setting up a template in Illustrator (eight squares) for a polished sketch presentation. Regular Copy and Pasting (Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V) Quick copy and pasting (PC: Ctrl-Alt PC, MAC: Ctrl-Option) Quick duplicate: Ctrl-D Paste in front: Ctrl-F Make Clipping Mask Copy and pasting from multiple layers (flatten first) Work on the black square problem in class Sketch first
NewMediaArts art 127 :: graphic symbolism :: week 1 :: b :: post mortem How smoothly did today’s class run? What slowed us down? What did we skip over? How can we be more efficient in the future?