born into wealth enjoyed nature over medicine Cambridge education 5-year trip on HMS Beagle as ship’s naturalist ( ) published “On the Origin of Species” in 1859
Darwin proposed idea of evolution, process of change over time Theory of biological evolution explains how organisms evolve over LONG periods of time from a common ancestor. “Greatest Idea in the History of Thought”
filled notebooks w/ observations collected numerous insects and other specimens Galapagos Islands was most famous stop Noticed that species vary… 1.Globally 2. Locally 3. Over time
* Different, yet similar, animal species inhabit separate, but similar habitats globally. Rheas native to South America Ostriches native to Africa
* Different, yet related, species often occupy different habitats within a local area. Isabela Tortoise (Galapagos Islands) Hood Island Tortoise (Galapagos Islands)
* Some fossils of extinct animals resemble living (extant) species. Fossil = preserved remains or traces of ancient organisms Glyptodon fossil Armadillo
Everything Darwin saw in the Galapagos Islands looked like an animal or plant species found somewhere else in the world. Were they all related in some way????? * Evidence from Darwin suggests that species are NOT fixed!! They may change by some natural process. This “process” would reshape scientific thinking FOREVER.
“…from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.” - Charles Darwin