By: John McLaughlin 5 th Hour March 3 rd, 2015 PERSONAL PROOF
POACHERS TAKE RHINOS HORNS TO SELL TO MEDICS This is a bad thing because the Rhinos horn has no medical properties. The Asian medics say that the horns can stop nosebleeds, strokes, convulsions, and fevers. Found info at isis_african_rhinos/
SINCE THE RHINOS LOST THEIR HORNS, THEY LOSE THEIR POWER WITH THE PACK When a male rhino wants a lady that the other rhino has they smash there heads together with their horns. When a rhino has a lady but no horns they are forced to back out. If the rhino doesn’t back out then he could get injured or worst get killed. Found at: personal/
THE RHINOS LOSE TOO MUCH POWER When a rhino loses too much power, he gets kicked out of the pack and has to find a new pack or wander until he finds food, water, and a new pack. This helps the poachers because they can hunt the rhino and kill it. They also sell the meat to get lots of money in the bank. Found info at:
TOO MANY RHINOS GET POACHED AND GO EXTINCT There are many rhinos that get poached a year. If the rate continues on the path that its on rhinos will be extinct fast. When animals go extinct, the animals that live off of the extinct animals will die and the food chain is destroyed. Found info at:
MY CONDITIONAL STATEMENT My statement is “If Rhinos keep getting poached, Then the food chain is destroyed”