The Presidency of John Adams
Election of 1796 John Adams (Federalist Party) won 71 electoral votes for President. Thomas Jefferson (Democratic-Republican) won 68 electoral votes for President. According to the Constitution at that time, whoever received the most electoral votes became President and whoever came in 2nd became Vice President. What problems can you predict might come about because of this?
2. Why was this unusual? Adams and Jefferson were from two different political parties.
Abigail Adams Had strong opinions about government and politics because she was an avid reader. Advised her husband to “Remember the Ladies” in the new form of government that was being formed. John and Abigail Adams were the first President and First Lady to live in the White House.
XYZ Affair France was attacking American ships because of Jay’s Treaty (with Britain) and Pinckney’s Treaty (with Spain). In hopes of negotiating a treaty with France, President Adams sent Charles Pinckney, Elbridge Gerry, & John Marshall to Paris. They hoped to meet with Charles Talleyrand, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs.
The Insult The 3 Americans were kept waiting in Paris for weeks. Then they were approached by 3 of Talleyrand’s agents, later referred to as X, Y, and Z. He told them that Talleyrand would speak to them if the U.S. would “lend” France $12 million and pay Talleyrand a bribe of $250 thousand. Pinckney answered, “No, no, not a sixpence!” What do you think he meant by that?
“No, no, not a sixpence!” 8. Not for any amount of $.
The Reaction The 3 Americans told Pres. Adams who then told Congress about the “XYZ Affair”. “Millions for defense, not one cent for tribute!” was a popular slogan that rang out around the country. What do you think that means?
Americans Fight Back Congress cancelled the treaties between the U.S. and France. It also began to recruit an army and prepare for war. Fighting broke out at sea. The 22 ships of the American navy attacked and sank 84 French ships in a period of 3 years.
War Protests Democratic-Republicans opposed the new taxes, the expanded army & navy, and the fighting against France. They accused Pres. Adams as being “the blasted tyrant of America.” Federalists called Democratic-Republicans “democrat, mobocrats, and all other kinds of rats.”
Adams Fights Back Pres. Adams blamed the Democratic-Republican newspapers and the thousand of new immigrants. Most of the new immigrants were Democratic-Republicans. Why do you think that was? These aliens, or foreigners had to wait 5 years before they could become citizens. When they became citizens, the aliens would be able to vote. Federalists feared that these new citizens would vote the Federalists out of office.
The Alien Acts The Federalist Congress passed laws stating that immigrants would have to wait 14 years before becoming citizens. In this way, Congress hoped to keep Federalists in power. The fewer immigrants who could become citizens, the fewer votes the Democratic-Republicans were likely to get in the next election.
The Sedition Acts These acts outlawed sedition, which they defined as false or critical speech about the government. Federalists used this law to silence their critics by arresting about 25 Democratic-Republican newspaper editors and sending 10 to jail. One Congressman was locked up for criticizing the President. Which basic rights were being violated by these laws? FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND PRESS
Republicans’ Response Believed that liberty itself was at stake. Jefferson and James Madison used a theory known as “states’ rights” to challenge the new laws. The theory of states’ rights claims that states had the right to judge whether a law passed by Congress was constitutional.
KENTUCKY & VIRGINIA RESOLUTIONS The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions (written by Jefferson and Madison) declared that the Alien and Sedition Acts had no legal force because they violated the Bill of Rights.
Peace With France The Federalists continued to call for war against France. Then in 1799 the French, now led by Napoleon Bonaparte, stopped attacking American ships and declared that American representatives would welcome in France. Adams broke with the Federalists and sent another peace mission to France. In the Convention of 1800, the 2 countries signed an agreement to stop all naval attacks.
President Adams President Adams broke with the Federalist Party when he sent a peace delegation to France. THEY WERE UPSET! Pres. Adams was proud of saving the country from unnecessary bloodshed.