CHILDCARE SYSTEM IN SLOVENIA. Number of kindergartens.


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Presentation transcript:


Number of kindergartens

The scale of payment Grade Monthly gross income per family member in 2009 (EUR) Payment (% cost of the programme) 1.Less than 359,7410 % 2.over 359,74 do 503,6420 % 3.over 503,64 do 647,5330 % 4.over 647,53 do 791,4340 % 5.over 791,43 do 1007,2750 % 6.over 1007,27 do 1295,0660 % 7.over 1295,06 do 1582,8670 % 8.More than 1582,8680 %

Number of children enrolled in kindergarten Children enroled in kindergarten - TOTAL Children aged between 11 months and 3 years Children aged between 3 and 6 years

Enrolment in kindergarten Number of children enrolled in kindergarten Enrolment rate in pre-primary education by age groups

Employment rates of women and men aged 25 to 54 by number of children 2009, %, Slovenia

Thank you for your attention! Sara Slana, Office for Equal Opportunities,