Directions: Today we will be taking Notes. THINGS TO REMEMBER: THE END - Only ask for answers to questions at THE END of the lecture. SKIP IT - If you missed the answer SKIP IT and move on. NO TALKING - There should be NO TALKING during the lecture.
BUILDING BACKGROUND When Americans found out the British we supporting Tecumseh it got them even more frustrated. A Democratic- Republican newspaper declared, “The war on the Wabash {River} is purely BRITISH.” Many Americans felt that Britain had encouraged Tecumseh to attack settlers in the West. War Hawks: - Several young members of Congress, who took the lead in calling for war against Britain. War of 1812: Part One
SECTION 4 Warm-Up: If You were there... It’s 1812, and the United States and Great Britain are at war. You are a sailor on an American merchant ship that has been licensed as a privateer. Your ship’s mission will be to chase and capture ships of the mighty British navy. Even with the help of merchant ships like yours, the American navy is badly outnumbered. You know you face danger and may not survive. Do you think your mission will succeed? Explain Why or Why Not. Directions: Answer the following questions in 4 short sentences.
BUILDING BACKGROUND Anger against Great Britain’s actions finally started the war between United States and Britain. Britain had a very large navy, which gave it a clear advantage at sea. Although the war was fought on land as well. Victories in major battles along the frontier gave Americans a new sense of unity. When the war began, the British navy had hundreds of ships. The British navy was able to place a blockade on American seaports.
War of 1812: Part Two
War of 1812: Part Three War of 1812: Part Four
War of 1812: Part Five War of 1812: Part Six
War of 1812: Part Seven War of 1812: Part Eight
Effects of the War Increased sense of national pride American manufacturing boosted Native American resistance weakened Causes of the War Impressment of American sailors Interference with American shipping British military aid to Native Americans Analyzing the War of 1812 QUICK FACTS
War of 1812: Part Nine