The Second Commandment Catechism Questions 41-45.


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Presentation transcript:

The Second Commandment Catechism Questions 41-45

Give the Name George Washington Babe Ruth Edward Jenner

Why does God tell us not to misuse his name?

What is included in God’s name? Genesis 17:1 Matthew 1:23 Isaiah 9:6 John 17:6a,8a God's name includes his titles and everything we know about him from his Word.

Why does God want us to know his name? Exodus 20:24 Romans 10:13 God wants us to know his name to bless us and to save us.

What are two of the most common ways that people misuse God’s name? James 3:10 Hebrews 6:16 Leviticus 19:12 Matthew 5:33-37 Mark 6:21-28 People often misuse God’s name by cursing and sinful swearing.

God’s Word and My Life As the pastor was talking to some church members, he said, “Imagine God up in heaven hearing someone calling on him to send someone or something to hell.” What point was the pastor trying to make? Evaluate: It’s better to say, “Oh, my gosh,” than to say, “Oh, my God.”

God’s name includes… God’s Titles Everything We Know about God God Almighty Lord Jesus Savior Holy Spirit

God wants us to know his name… To bless usTo save us

Why does God tell us not to misuse his name? God tells us not to misuse his name because he revealed it to us only to bless and to save us.