American History Chapter 15: Crash and Depression III. Surviving the Great Depression
Objectives Read about ways Americans pulled together to survive the Great Depression. See the signs of change Americans began to notice in the early 1930s.
Bell Ringer Recall a time when friends, neighbors, or strangers worked together to solve a problem or helped one another through an unpleasant situation.
A) Americans Pull Together Quote – 520 Farmers Stick Together: farmers would loose their land 8) Penny auctions: farmers would purposely bid low at foreclosure auctions and give it back to original farmer Young People Ride the Rail: many young people became hobos on the train – looking for anything – family could not feed them Seeking Political Solutions: no riots or political upheaval as in Europe – communist party did grow though Depression Humor: fight despair - Hoovervilles – Hoover blankets (newspapers) – empty pockets were Hoover flags Babe Ruth – paid more than President – “had a better year”
B) Signs of Change Prohibition is repealed – 15 years later 9)21 st Amendment: repealed the 18 th amendment allowing alcoholic beverages The Empire State Building – employed up to 4,000 people – 41 million dollars – half price – 1931 – dollar to go to top End of an Era – 1920’s fading away – Al Capone in jail – Ruth retired – Henry Ford hated by labor – Charles Lindbergh’s son kidnapped and murderedCharles Lindbergh’s
Review In what ways did Americans pull together to survive the Great Depression? What signs of change did Americans begin to notice in the early 1930’s?