Language Arts Middle School Ms. Coro
North eastern Africa, ancient Egypt; parts around the Nile river and the Mediterranean sea. Kingdom divided between Lower (northern Egypt) and Upper (southern Egypt).
Ruled by the Pharaoh, their king seen as living embodiment of the their gods. Famous Pharaohs: Ramses, Seti, King Tut, Cleopatra VII, Hatshepsut. Settlements were often around the Nile or the Mediterranean. Capital city: Thebes. Had a strict social class structure: the royal family/nobility at the top, political advisors, priests/priestesses, military, artisans/merchants, at the bottom are the slaves.
The practice of worship took place in temples; often sacrifices were performed by priests/priestesses. Use incense to purify for ceremonies. Animal sacrifices are done for certain festivals. The introduction of Cults came after Alexander the Great’s conquest of Egypt; i.e. the Cult of Isis, the Cult of Alexander, etc. Many stories were written in hieroglyphics, put on the walls of tombs, temples, libraries, etc. Also written on papyrus circa 3000 B.C. Famous text includes The Book of the Dead, written as guide for mummification and outlines what happens to someone after they die.
Image worship is the practice of worshipping or venerating religious or cult images representing divine figures; often found in ancient religions. Modern cult image worship is found in Hinduism. Often practiced in specific temples where they only worship the one deity.
Osiris Isis Amun Set Ra Anubis Maat Horus Thoth And many more!
Egyptians believed the gods could intervene on behalf of mortals. Pharaohs were seen as their gods in mortal form; tombs are created for the wealthy to take their items with them to the Afterlife. The gods were believed to be around mortals in daily life; governed over nature.
Osiris is brother/husband to Isis, father to Horus. Shown as a mummy in pictures; was the only god to die and be resurrected. Associated with the Afterlife, justified killing, rebirth, and vegetation.
Isis is the wife/sister to Osiris; mother to Horus. Name means “throne” and is often depicted with a throne on her head. Associated with nature, music, protector of slaves, and mothers/wives.
Son of Osiris and Isis; nephew to Set. Often depicted with an eagle face; in some earlier stories Horus is the brother to Osiris. Associated as the god of the sky, war, hunting, revenge and patron of Lower Egypt.
The Pharaohs: c3Kw c3Kw More on Pharaohs: azc azc Hieroglyphics song: OhLQ OhLQ