1 nor mere white! neither just black… CEBra sustainable
2 Based on the competences of the Brandenburg University of Technology in Cottbus R&D services have been concentrated and will be better promoted. A strong link to other universities in the field of energy has been formed. Former co-workers of the energy agency of Brandenburg add the competence of collaboration with market actors. The former Energy Resources Institute ERI e.V. has changed its performance to reduce to public utility and has become CEBra e.V.. The association (e.V.) has founded a limited company in Nov to offer services and project management. CEBra – Centre for Energy Technology Brandenburg well based
3 Competence in Intelligent Energy Energy management Bioenergy development and deployment Energy technology development with SMEs Intelligent (IQ e ) buildings and strategies for shrinking cities Technologies and strategies for decentralized power management Development and deployment of innovative devices for grids and power Stations Development of highly efficient combustion and gasification technologies Development and deployment of power profiles know how
4 Three interconnected structures are the basis for high performance of the Centre Research and Development Ressources Production Transmission Use Service and Transfer for R&D-Projects With R&D- Infrastructure Marketdeploym. Energymanage- ment Support and connect Networks Lobbywork Information Fora BTU §75 BbgHGGmbH e.V. well related
5 One innovative conversion system with high efficiency for conventional or renewable fuels Different technologies (PEM, SO, MC, DM) Different applications (stationary, portable, mobile) Core processes, system integration Development, pilot, demo, niche markets, competition Technical, economical, political aspects roughly speaking Talking about fuel cells……
6 targeted The European answer to world competition
7 to be honest The challenge of competing systems cost’s
8 still open Source: AMCG Year Portable Stationary Mobile-propulsion (Nichs) Portabel Stationary Mobile- APU* Mobile** (Lorries)) Mobile Machins** Ships** Mobile** (cars) conservative Portable, Stationary Szenario optimistic Mobile Market Volume p.a. * APU =auxiliary powerunit ** Propulsion Demo + Market Introduction Market Diffusion Scenarios Fuel Cell based Products
9 Different projects before or in pilot phase Limited range of unique developments for main components Core competence mostly in the US and Canada Ready configured FC-appliances Regional, national, global market with strong dynamic Annual needs in Germany for reconstruction 400,000 and for new applications 300,000 units, expected market share 15,000 Need for stand alone solutions, APU, combinations market development