How to Assess Teachers by App “M 南医 ” the Office of Teaching Affairs October, 2015
STEP 1 Visit the web page to get the newest app “M 南 医 ” (1.04 vision )as fellows:
STEP 2 IOS: search “ M 南医大学生 ” in Apple App Store(the newest vision will be available in few days ).
STEP 2 Android : click the red button “ 学生版下载 ” to get the apk of this app. Or scan QR code on the bottom to get the app.
STEP 3 Open the app, the username and password is as the same as Digital Campus. If you want change your password, you must login in Digital Campus to change it.
STEP 4 Click the last button “ 我的大学 ” on the bottom. Click the second button “ 教学测评 ” on the left
STEP 5 “ 待测评教师 ” means teachers who need to be assessed by you in this semester. “ 已测评教师 ” means teachers who had been assessed by you. Click the button “ 待测评教师 ”
STEP 6 Click the button “ 待测评教师 ” Choose the course showed in the app.
STEP 7 Choose the teacher who had finished teaching.
STEP 8 Click the icon on the right top, the page language will change in English. There are 5 items need your choice, you also can write something in “other suggestions ”. At last, please click the “submit” button to finsih assessment.
Your opinion is very important for us to improve teachers' perfonnance. Please assess every teacher who give you lessons. The result will not be inquired before you finish all teachers ‘ assessment.