Types of Employment On Campus Employment – F-1 and J-1 Curricular Practical Training (CPT) – F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) – F-1 Academic Training – J-1 Paid vs. Unpaid
F-1 Working On Campus No permission needed up to 20 hours per week during regular fall and spring semesters more than 20 hours per week during regular school breaks (including summer semester)
J-1 Working On Campus Written permission needed from RO/ARO up to 20 hours per week during regular fall and spring semesters more than 20 hours per week during regular school breaks (including summer semester)
F-1 Curricular Practical Training (CPT): CGU Must be an integral part of the student’s curriculum: YOU MUST EARN UNITS (or be on doctoral studies/continuous registration) If not required for degree, eligible only after one full academic year of study (9 months) Department gives initial approval, final permission is granted by DSO/International Student Advisor/Coordinator Job offer required before approval can be granted Approved for a specific employer(s), for a specific time period Can be given for up to one semester at a time (one year if on doctoral studies) Can be Part Time (20 hours/week or less) or Full Time (more than 20 hours/week) Full Time CPT cannot be granted while you are completing course work Only available while on doctoral studies or during summer semester or school breaks 12 months of full time CPT makes you ineligible for OPT
F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) Generally done after completion of academic program, but may be done before completion Employment must be related to field of study Maximum of 12 months per academic level Must be recommended by DSO/International Student Advisor/Coordinator Requires an application and fee ($340.00) with USCIS Final approval granted by USCIS (EAD), generally takes 90 days to be approved – APPLY EARLY No job offer required for approval Application must be submitted to USCIS prior to program completion (the day you complete your degree requirements – NOT the same as graduation
F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) cont. Other important OPT notes: You can use OPT anywhere in the US You may switch employers You are eligible for OPT after each higher degree earned you can use your OPT while waiting for a change of status to H-1B
J-1 Academic Training: CGU Can be paid or unpaid Can be done during or after studies Needs approval from academic advisor and RO/ARO Length of time depends on whether student is non-degree or degree-seeking (Master’s or Doctorate)
Next Steps Always check with your Int’l Student Advisor/Coordinator before accepting any offer of employment I-Place is also available for questions at any time or )