LESSON 3 請求協助. Formal Letter Content REVIEW—Formal Letter First Paragraph-- short purpose Subsequent Paragraphs – Relevant information behind the writing.


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Presentation transcript:

LESSON 3 請求協助

Formal Letter Content

REVIEW—Formal Letter First Paragraph-- short purpose Subsequent Paragraphs – Relevant information behind the writing – Essentials and concentrate/clear and logical Last Paragraph– what you hope others to do ※ Proofread your letter ※

Tips for Writing a Letter of Request 1st – Information about who you are – What you want others to do? 2nd – Details of the request (All the information ) – Contact information 3rd – Appreciation Completeness

範例一 : Information Request 使用正確的格式 與寫信給友人不同,即使用 . 也請依照正式商用書信的格式來 介紹自己並尋求對方的協助。 具體 提供對方你所要 研究的相關主題, 或你將如何使用 所獲得的資訊。 若能具體地描述 自己需要的協助 或資料,則越易 取得有用的回覆。 注意禮節 : 請記住,對方在工作外仍需 回覆你的問題或需求,因此 使用 “please” 以及 “thank you” 來回應對方的付出是基本的。 適度的禮貌可以增加你收到 回覆的機會。 留下聯絡資料 : 請告知對方相關聯絡資訊,讓對方 知道要如何回覆你。其中可包含你 的 , 地址, 電話或手機號碼等。

範例二 : Dreamtime Movies Universal Ltd 54 Oxford Road, Skagnes SK3 4RG Tel: Fax: Nov Lingua Services Galactic Ltd 69 Milk Street LONDON SW7 6AW Dear Sirs I should be grateful if you would send us your catalogue and price list of the new 4NS collection. We are currently developing a new 4NS-based system and would like to see what product can best suit our needs. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully Andrea Philips Andrea Philips Marketing Manager

範例四 : Dear sir, We have several problems concerning the luminescent image analyzer we purchased from you. Please see if you could help us with these problems: 1. We operate the product according to the instructions given in the user manual. However, the product doesn’t seem to function in a way it is supposed to do. 2. ………………………… 3. …………………………. Thank you for taking the time to respond to this letter, and I’m looking forward to your reply. Sincerely yours, Cheng-Hua Liue


Imperative sentences ( 命令式 ): Dear Sirs, I want you to send us your brochure and price list of the new 4NS collection, for we are currently developing our system and need to know what product can best suit our needs. Please reply to me asap. BRgs/ Sanki Dear Sirs, Please send us your brochure and price list of the new 4NS collection. We are currently developing a new 4NS-based system and would like to see what product can best suit our needs. I look forward to hearing from you. Regards, Luna

Ambiguity/Not enough information ( 說明不清 ) Dear Sir or Madame, I am a student at YunTech in Taiwan. We are doing a research project on how to clean up our local watershed. Could you suggest a website where I can find information about water quality in our county? Thank you for taking the time to respond to this letter. Sincerely Ellen Kitsch Dear Sir or Madam, I’m a student in Taiwan. I need some information about how to clea n up watershed around the area. Please help. Thank you for reading. Regards Panorama Cheng

Be polite, but don’t overdo it. Dear Vincent, Sorry to disturb you, but I was wondering if you could help me with my GRE study? I need to score well to enter John Hopkins University, but I am having difficulty completing the analytical writing questions which require more than simple English grammar. Because you recently graduated with a degree in language teaching, you are naturally the most qualified person for me to turn to. I promise not to occupy too much of your time- just enough to help me to manage the basic grammar I need for the examination. My apology for any inconvenience caused on my part, but I will really appreciate any help you can offer me and will be happy to return the favor when the opportunity arises. Sincerely yours, Kingston Gresham Hi Mycroft, Could you do me a favor at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, May 11? I am taking a vacation with the family and need someone to teach my modern history class. I know it might take some preparation time, but I know you are the most qualified person for the job. Please let me know if you can help. I look forward to hearing from you and hope I can return the favor sometime. Yours, Moriarty